Snare Server images are not able to be viewed

Snare Server images are not able to be viewed


Aug 21, 2015


Images such as graphs, do not appear in electronic mail messages.

Recommended debugging procedure

  1. Your email client may specifically block images from being displayed; check your local email configuration.

  2. The Snare Server uses the DNS alias from the Snare Server wizard (General configuration items), to link to images on the Snare Server, when it sends out email messages. Check that the correct DNS name is displayed in the Configuration Wizard.

  3. If your site is using a DNS, and the Snare Server address has been entered, then attempt to 'ping' the Snare Server from a desktop. If it doesn't appear, then it may be the incorrect IP address or DNS name, or your desktop machine cannot contact the Snare Server due to firewall or other network-related blockages.

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