Using Snare Windows agents on systems with Microsoft Edge browser


May 16, 2016

Microsoft has made some changes with their new Edge Browser that affects localhost authentication. These changes affect how local authentication works on a system and it has implemented some new restrictions that affect the Snare agents that run on Windows.

These new restrictions can affect how a http://localhost:6161 Snare agent authentication works. Customers can either:

The Edge Browser will affect all Snare windows agents (Windows, Epilog and MSSQL agents) where you try to access the agent running on the localhost using the localhost name or localhost IP address. Remote access to other systems using the Snare agent are unaffected as this will use the format http://:6161 and the Edge browser supports the remote authentication request.

Implement changes as per Microsoft article

After enabling localhost loopback on Windows 10 Edge , for no authentication scenario, localhost access works as in other browsers. There is an issue when authentication is used, as it works only for http://ipaddress:port format.


  1. Enable loopback in the intranet app container as described here
In summary use one of below commands:

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -p=S-1-15-2-3624051433-2125758914-1423191267-1740899205-1073925389-3782572162-737981194 CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n=Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe

For older builds of Edge, app name is different:

CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n=Microsoft.Windows.Spartan_cw5n1h2txyewy
  1. Access your localhost machine by using following formats:

For no authentication:

With authentication:
Other formats do not work.

According to MSDN:

Loopback is permitted only for development purposes.
To avoid any vulnerabilities, we recommend disabling loopback when you've completed your task.