Cannot access the Snare agent via the browser


Aug 18, 2015

Upon installation of the Snare agent, the Remote Control Interface may be accessed via a web browser from the local machine by visiting the URL http://localhost:6161/.

If you cannot access this page then check the following:

ERROR:Page Not Found

  • Check the Agent is running by loading Task Manager, look for snarecore.exe process.

  • Check Agent is listening by starting a command prompt as Administrator and execute netstat –an | findstr 6161

  • During installation the user did not select on Remote Control Interface - the Enable Web Access option.

ERROR:Trying to Connect  but it never succeeds

  • Is the tcp port open? Execute netstat -na | find "6161"   You should see a TCP connection on 6161 there.

  • Some browsers need to have http://localhost:6161 to fully qualify the access.  Internet Explorer tends to need this.

  • Some systems may have another application using the same web port to find this execute  netstat -nab | more  and scroll through the list to find the service using port 6161 and check if it's snarecore.exe or some other process.   If it is some other process then you will need to update the registry to change the remote web management port to use one that is free i.e. 6162. If you manually change registry settings then the snare service will require manual restarting.