Linux Red Hat agents ‘Failed to query audit subsystem’
Oct 17, 2016
Installing and executing the Snare Enterprise Agent for Linux, on Red Hat (such as Snare Enterprise Agent for Linux RHEL7 ) may have the error in /var/log/messages:
SnareDispatchHelper: Failed to Initialise agent:Failed to query audit subsystem version: No child processes
Other errors include:
-There are no listeners on port 6161, there no web interface.
-Manually running /usr/sbin/SnareDispatchHelper starts 6161 but reloading the setttings kills the process and doesn't restart
Note: For Red Hat users to access the remote control interface, will need to ensure:
• the firewall rule allows access to the agent.
• to disable or set to permissive mode with SELinux.
You can check selinux status using the following command:
#getenforce -- returns Enforcing if enabled
You can disable it using:
#setenforce 0
To stop firewall service:
# service firewalld stop