v5 Configuration Checklist


v5 Configuration Checklist

Oct 10, 2016

If you are installing the v5 Snare Enterprise Agents or upgrading from v4, the following checklist may be helpful.

To create these 2 licenses, the KeyIDs are required from the machine that SAM is installed on. In SLDM you may generate and download these licenses.

And to ensure Password to allow remote control of SNARE is a password defined in the SAM | Settings | General | Agent Passwords.

  1. Install v5 - Using the Snare Enterprise Agent for Windows User Guide, install the Snare agents. Go to Step 2.
    Upgrade to v5 - Upgrade your agents to version 5 (see the Snare Agent for Windows User Guide). Use the wizard installer to upgrade your v4 agents to v5. A new Snare Agent Manager introduced with v5 will license your v5 agents, and allow you to manage the agents from one console.

  2. Install SAM (see the Snare Agent Manager User Guide), and follow the Wizard Manager to configure SAM. *Note: SAM will automatically license any v5 agents it finds.

  3. During configuration of SAM you will require two licenses available from the customer portal, SLDM* (Snare License & Download Manager):

    • a SAM Key

    • a Feature license

  4. Configure your v5 Snare agent to communicate with SAM, on the agent's Access Configuration page, including:

    • Snare Agent Manager IP

    • Snare Agent Manager Authentication Key

  5. After updating the configuration, ensure you Apply & Restart the service for changes to take effect.

  6. Open firewall to SAM, port 6262, to ensure the agents can phone home to SAM.

*SLDM is the Snare License and Download Manager available to our Snare clients. It includes the release notes, documentation and licenses. The license keys are required for SAM to license the agents. If the licenses are not loaded the agents will not send any logs, but can still be managed via the web user interface (UI).

Further Information

Are you ready for version 5?
KeyIDs are required to generate full licenses.

VIDEO:Configuring v5 Agents and SAM

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