Agent Installation

To install Snare for Linux package the following are required:


Upgrade from legacy agents. e.g. version 4.1.12 is not supported.  Please use the reinstall option.


The Snare for Linux agent has the following requirements

Supported Browsers

PlatformInternet ExplorerEdgeChromeFirefoxSafari
Windows(error) Not Supported(tick) For best results, use latest version(tick) For best results, use latest version(tick) For best results, use latest versionN/A
LinuxN/A(tick) For best results, use latest version(tick) For best results, use latest version(tick) For best results, use latest versionN/A
MacOSN/AN/A(tick) For best results, use latest version(tick) For best results, use latest version(warning) Accessing the user interface from Safari may result in some issues

Before installing

To ensure Snare is running after installation ensure to disable or set SELinux to permissive mode:

  • Check selinux status (returns Enforcing if enabled) using the following command:
    # getenforce
    You can temporarily disable selinux (to set to permissive) by typing:
    # setenforce 0

  • In case of reboot, change the setting to permissive in /etc/selinux/config