Running Snare

Running Snare

Upon installation of the Snare agent, the Web User Interface (UI) may be accessed via a web browser from the local machine by visiting the URL https://localhost:6161/ or by typing the hostname for example, https://vmrhelprod:6161/.

The Remote Control Interface is turned on by default, and also password protected for security reasons.  The username is snare. The password is snare. To update the password at any time go to the Access Configuration page and update the password.  It is recommended you use a strong complex password of at least 12 characters.

Setting Password

UI Troubleshooting

For Red Hat users to access the web UI, you will need to ensure the firewall rule allows access to the agent.  For example to stop the firewall service:

# service firewalld stop

However after reboot the firewall is enabled, and to completely disable for example, RHEL7 firewall so it will not load after reboot run:

# systemctl disable firewalld

Please review your operating system documentation for further information.

License the Agent

If using a standalone Snare Agent for Linux, the agent will require a license to be added into the UI.  To do this navigate License page and copy your Key IDs to the SLDM customer portal to generate a license for the agent.  Further information is provided in SLDM.  Copy the contents of the generated license to the License | Add License section and click Add.  This will license the agent and hence events will be sent to the destination.

If using the Snare Agent Manager to manage licensing of the Snare agents, navigate to the Access Configuration page to update the Snare Agent Manager IP, Port and Authentication Key (if required).