Ready for V5?

Ready for V5?


Mar 30, 2017

As you prepare to download the Snare software, we want to highlight your options for selecting and installing the right version of SNARE for your organization. Our latest release is Snare Enterprise - Version 5.0. It includes compelling new features as per the table below.

Please review all material before deciding which option is suitable for your current implementation. We highly recommend that you watch the following video VIDEO:Configuring v5 Agents and SAM

What does this mean for you?
You can determine what features are needed in your organization and balance with the steps involved in installing V5 to determine the most appropriate time to implement V5. This is an expanded platform and requires knowledge of concepts that are totally new to Snare.
You do have the alternative deployment of our legacy V4.3 agent (Found in SLDM under Products | Releases Archive on left side of dashboard). As features are added, you can revisit your decision to upgrade your Snare agents.

New Concepts in V5

  • SAM (Snare Agent Manager) - a centralized licensing tool that enables agents running on a network to be licensed from a remote central location. SAM monitors Enterprise Agent active status, and runs on any Windows Operating System with a network connection. SAM will scan your network in order to obtain Key IDs from the monitored servers.

  • Feature License - A feature license advises the Snare Agent Manager how many Snare Enterprise Agents, by type, can be issued activating licenses. For example, a feature license can include 10 Snare Enterprise Agents, 5 Epilog Agents and 3 MS SQL agents.

  • Key ID - To generate licenses for the Snare product suite, your organization is required to provide KeyIDs. These IDs are used to generate a license that is locked to that installation of your Snare product. Once you obtain your Key IDs, they need to be submitted via SLDM.

  • SLDM (SNARE License & Download Manager) - your personalized portal access to the SNARE software. SLDM includes the release notes, documentation and licenses. The license keys are required for SAM to license the agents.

If you have any questions prior to making your decision, please submit a support ticket and our engineering team will assist you in determining the best course of action. Snare Support is the online Help Desk for Intersect Alliance and is your single point of contact for assistance. Access to Snare Support may be via the SLDM Dashboard or Snare Solutions website at https://support.prophecyinternational.com/s/login/.

Note: V4.3.x Snare Enterprise Agent
V5.0 supersedes the previous release v4.3.x, which does not include the SAM functionality, or the agent feature enhancements noted above. Support for this Legacy version will be terminated January 2019.

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