Header Style (UI Control)

Header Style (UI Control)


Header Style provides different font/color/threshold settings for the datablock.

Using Header Style

Header Style

Font Settings





Font Family

Sets the font style. Options available are digital, chalkboard, marker, golden plains, open sans, and arial.

Font Size

Defines the header text size in pixels

Font Color

Sets the color of header text (RGB color values)

Text Align

Defines the alignment of header text

Header Color

Gives the option to choose background color for the Status/Gauge datablock header. A Custom option is available in the dropdown where you can choose, and a color is not defined in the dropdown.

Border Settings





Border Color

Sets the color to the status color set in Thresholds or can be set to any custom color. Assigning color from status to border is available only for Status datablock

  • Direction - The direction of the border, i.e. top, bottom, left, right, middle

  • Border Size - Can be defined in pixel size

  • Border Lines style - Can be chosen from Border Style. The default option is solid. Other options available are dashed, dotted, and double.

Header Settings





Header Text

Blank Text under this offers no heading

Prefix image URL

Appends an image before the header text

Show Header Text

Enables/Disables the display of header text


Sets a margin for a datablock on 4 sides. CSS margin string is supported, e.g. 1px, 2px, 1px, 2px

Hide Link Info

Enables/Disables the display of information based on which data is filtered in the datablock

Show Updated Time

Applicable only for Cube Report, Status, Gauge

Header Height

Defines the height of the header. If not defined, it inherits the height of Font Size defined under Font Settings.

  • This option is available from eMite 6.0.2 version.

  • In 6.0.1, this option does not display by default. But when the page is saved and refreshed, this option becomes available.

Description Style

Description Style places an option for descriptive data on the datablock. This works as replacement for Heading.

It has similar options as Header Style, e.g. Font Family, Font size, Text Align.





Font Color

Option to choose any color of choice or align it with the thresholds defined. To display the description in threshold color, select the Status radio button.


Defines color only for the description background. We have option to choose status in the dropdown which means background color could be aligned with the thresholds.

Use reportmember

Displays the X-axis (Report member) value for the cube report as description. If selected, it overrides the text written under Text.


Can be used as sub-heading under the header text, or as a header if the header text is disabled/hidden. When a datablock is created, the default text entered is same as Header Text.


Defines the text position within the datablock. By default, it is set to bottom.

Status Style

  • Provides the background color, font color, font, format, precision of the datablock

  • Sets the color to the status color set in Thresholds

  • Sets an image on top Url or background

  • Logic for how to play with empty value of status block (options: -, 0 or N/A)

  • If the datasource is a cube report, you can show previous value or current value of the cube report by specify the current value index. Default to the last value of the cubereport. 

  • Supported format: HH:mm:ss , mm:ss, comma, %, $, £,€,¥


  • Sets user defined thresholds.

  • Expression format: left value < currentvalue < right value, then apply color or background image or alarm. Alarm could not be set alone as a threshold. It is required to choose a color or image as well. In addition to predefined color dropdown, custom color is also supported.

  • If thresholds ranges overlap, the last matched threshold rule will be used.

  • Radial Gauge uses the max value of the threshold to set the maximum range of the Gauge when a threshold is set, otherwise high band is set above the current value by 20 points.

  • Client threshold (i.e. UI thresholds) overrides the server thresholds (T1/T2 for metric or KPI color for KPIs).