Report Scheduler (Manage Menu)

Report Scheduler (Manage Menu)

Overview / Description

The Report Scheduler option under Manage menu allows you to create snapshots of eMite’s HTML dashboard pages. It is the exact reproduction of the user dashboards. This can be used to create the document types of PDF, Word, PPT, Excel, PNG, and JPG.

More than one page can be generated in a single document. The snapshot of pages can be taken in a scheduled time as chosen.

Both admin and non-admin users can use Report Generator. It supports both landscape and portrait mode of the document. 

Report Generator also has the ability to archive the created reports so that we can have the historical view of the reports. The reports can also be sent by email after creation.


From 6.0.1, the minimal role to schedule reports is changed to DashboardExplorer.

The following roles have permission to schedule the report:

  • DashboardExplorer 

  • DashboardCreator

  • DashboardAdmin

  • EmiteAdmin

Dashboard viewer will not have access to report schedule page.

Report Scheduler

The Report Generator works with the Scheduler. The reports are created according to the schedule you set for them. For example, you can set the schedules to be daily, weekly, or anything that suits your needs.

1. Click on the Manage menu, then select Report Scheduler.

2. Click Schedule New Report to create a new schedule.

The Report Scheduler setting will display.

3. Select the page/s you want to take snapshot of on the left side of the window. Only the available pages that the user has access to will be displayed. For each page, you may select to have a snapshot of the whole page, or you can choose from the available datablocks of that page.

3.1 To copy an existing schedule job,

  • Click on the Copy from existing job dropdown and select a schedule job you want to copy.

  • Enter a Schedulejob Name, e.g. “Every 5 hours”. It can be any name.

3.1. To apply an existing schedule to the selected page/s,

  • Click on the Choose from existing schedule dropdown and select an existing schedule you want to apply on the selected page/s.

3.2 To add a new schedule for the selected page/s,

  • Click on the Choose from existing schedule dropdown and select Create New Schedule.

  • Enter a name on the Schedule Name field.

Fill out the schedule information.

4. Select a frequency from the radio button options.

5. Set the Start date and time.

6. Select a timezone from the Timezone dropdown for when the report generator executes.

7. Tick the Expire checkbox to set an expiration date for the schedule and set the expiry date and time.

8. Click on the FileType dropdown and select a file type for your report.

9. Enter a FileName for the report.

10. Select an option from the Description position dropdown.

If None is selected, there won’t be any text added to your document. This option is only available when the File Type is MSWord.

11. Click on the Landscape Mode dropdown and select Yes for landscape or No for portrait.

12. Tick the Send Email checkbox to send the report just after its creation. The created report will be attached to the email being sent.

  • Enter the Sender Email. If there are multiple recipients, use comma to separate them, e.g. "Email1,Email2,Email3". 

  • Enter the Email to be sent.

  • Enter CC email. If there are multiple recipients, use comma to separate them, e.g. "Email1,Email2,Email3".

  • Enter email Subject.

  • Enter Mail Body.

13. Click Save.

Now every time the scheduler runs, a new report will be created. All the pages that are chosen will be saved in one document.


All created reports are archived. You can see the new and old reports in the Schedule page (Step 1). On the Schedule page, the list of available schedules is displayed.

Click History to display the list of reports created by the selected schedule.

Click on the reports to download them.

Click Run to run the report at the moment without waiting for its scheduled time.

Excel Report

Before 6.0.1, Excel report will be adding the screenshot of the report to the Excel file and send it through email.

After 6.0.1, Excel report will export cube report grid and drillthrough data properly into the Excel file. The whole drillthrough dataset will be exported.