About this Guide

About this Guide

This document details the steps required to install the components necessary to run Snare Central as a standalone appliance on your hardware. Snare Central relies on a number of Open Source tools, including the Linux Operating System, the Apache Web Server, and the PHP scripting language, among others - these are included with your installation media.

There are a number of configuration items, such as system passwords, that are specific to an installation. These are highlighted throughout this manual, and a section at the end of the document provides a space where you can record the site specific installation parameters. This document does not cover the installation and removal of specific Snare Agents; these are available as separate documents.

An appendix to this document also highlights several post-installation checks that will allow you to verify that Snare Central has been installed correctly, and is operating optimally.


To migrate existing v4 / v5 / v6 / v7 Snare Installation to Snare Central v8:

Note: there is no upgrade available from v7 and earlier to v8 due to significant changes in disk partitioning in this version along with a major OS update so the side by side migration using a fresh install is the recommended path. 

Other guides that may be useful to read

  • Snare Central Users Guide

  • Side-by-side Migration Guide for Snare Central

  • Snare Agent Guides

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