

Prior to installation, a check should be made of a number of configuration parameters required for the operation of Snare Central. These configuration parameters are as follows:

What You Need

  • An IP address for Snare Central, and the Netmask of the local area network on which Snare Central will be installed.
  • A Hostname and fully qualified DNS Name for Snare Central (your network team may wish to add this information into your organisational DNS server).
  • The IP address of the default gateway for the local area network on which Snare Central will be installed.
  • The IP address of the organisational SMTP (Email server).
  • The IP addresses of the organisational DNS server(s).
  • The Snare Central download accessible from the Snare License and Download Manager (SLDM) at https://customer.intersectalliance.com/. Authorisation credentials are provided by your Snare Support team, or Snare Sales representative.

In addition, you should make the following changes to the system BIOS in order to ensure that installation and operation proceed smoothly:

  • Set the system to automatically boot when power is reapplied after a system power failure.
  • Set the first CD/DVD drive to be bootable.

The steps required to accomplish the two operations above, vary depending on your system, and bios type.

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