Appendix A - Licensing
The raw Snare Central license file (a simple text file) may contain the following:
Your license file is expected to contain IA_SC=1. If you have an older style license, then this value will not exist and you will be required to generate a new license.
Snare Agent Manager
The Snare Central license should also license the Snare Agent Manager (SAM) feature to manage and license your Snare agents. If SAM is used, you will require the SAM Feature License Key to be added into SAM. This license reflects the allowance of agents to be managed. This is available from the customer portal, SLDM at
If your SAM datastore is removed for any reason, then the SAM Key licensing will also be removed, and in this case you will require to reload your Snare Central Server license again, or require a new SAM Key and reapplication of your SAM Feature license.
If your license uploaded to Snare Central is invalid for any reason, please contact your Snare Support team, or your Snare representative for a replacement Snare Central license.