Navigating the Snare Central User Interface

Navigating the Snare Central User Interface

Snare Central provides a web user interface that allows to configure and monitor the system. The following guide is applicable from Snare Central v8.2.0 onwards.
The Snare Central interface is generally divided into three 'panels', as shown in the image below:

  1. Navigation Panel
  2. Top Bar
  3. Content Panel

The side panel provides expandable navigation menu and some additional information, such as Snare Central version and Health Checker status.


Collapsed Navigation Panel                                                 Expanded Navigation Panel

Snare logo

Toggles the navigation panel

Executive Dashboard

Opens Executive Dashboard page

Cyber Network Map   available from v8.5.0

Opens Cyber Network Map page

Events Search   available from v8.3.0

Opens Events Search page

Analytics Dashboards   available from v8.6.0

Opens Analytics Dashboards navigation page


Opens Reports navigation page

Agent Management

Opens Agent Management sub-menu


Opens Status sub-menu


Opens System sub-menu

Health Checker Status

  • green - all services are running fine
  • orange - Warning! 
  • red - Error! 

Hover over the icon to see the message in the tooltip. 

Click the icon to navigate to Health Checker page for more details.

The sub-menus are displayed as a tree-like structure, where sub-menu items are ordered alphabetically, with containers prioritised before objectives.

For more details about each option in the menu, please see the corresponding section in this User Guide.

On the left-hand-side, the top bar displays the Username of currently logged in user and the current date and time. 
If the Snare Central server time is different from browser client time, both time stamps will be displayed. 

On the right-hand-side, the top bar contains context action buttons. Some of these buttons may be disabled depending on the context of current page. 

The available action buttons are: 

Modify the configuration of the currently open objective

Change who can access, or modify the configuration of the currently open objective

Configure the objective to regenerate on schedule, and modify the email distribution list.

Refresh current page (for example, the Dashboard)

Add the currently displayed objective to the regeneration queue.

Displays the currently queued and regenerating objectives.

Provides the option to download attachments generated by the currently open objective.

Logs you out of your current session on the Server.

The content panel, also known as Objective panel, displays the content of current page / current objective.

Many objectives display portions of the objective results in 'tabs' at the top of the page. These can be individually clicked to scan through the results. The type and function of these components is objective dependent, but will often include:

  • A 'pattern map', which shows volumes of events, divided up into 15 minute segments for the reporting period.
  • Tabular details, which displays a configurable proportion of the results.
  • Various line graphs, bar graphs, port-maps, geolocation maps, or pie graphs.

Many objectives will also have interactive components that can be clicked to:

  • Drill down for more information
  • Page between results
  • Sort data within a table

In order to provide a modern, interactive user interface, Snare Central utilises some features available only in more modern browsers. We recommend using Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge for best user experience.

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