AWS CloudTrail records event logs of actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service. Events include actions taken in the AWS Management Console, AWS Command Line Interface, and AWS SDKs and APIs.
CloudTrail is enabled on your AWS account when you create it. When activity occurs in your AWS account, that activity is recorded in a CloudTrail event. You can identify who or what took which action, what resources were acted upon, when the event occurred, and other details of activity in your AWS account.
Each activity or action will have a corresponding request to the AWS service, e.g. in Kinesis AWS Management Console, you update the shard count, a corresponding UpdateShardCount request (AwsApiCall) will be made to AWS Kinesis service and this will be recorded in a CloudTrail event log.
AWS CloudTrail service can be configured to publish event logs that match the trail settings to Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group.
While AWS CloudWatch Logs log group can be configured to have a subscription filter and have it deliver the published event logs received to Amazon Kinesis Data Stream.
Then Snare Central can be configured to periodically call AWS API to pull and get the log data stored in AWS Kinesis Data Stream.
Sample Log Event
Table Fields
Field | Description |
DATE | eventTime - Extracted date from eventTime in YYYY-MM-DD format. This is the date the request was completed. |
TIME | eventTime - Extracted time from eventTime in HH:MM:SS format. This is the time the request was completed. |
SYSTEM | eventSource - The service that the request was made to. This name is typically a short form of the service name without spaces plus For example: AWS CloudFormation is, Amazon EC2 is, Amazon Simple Workflow Service is |
TABLE | AWSCloudTrailLog |
COLLECTIONDATETIME | Snare Central’s local date and time of the actual log collection from AWS Kinesis Data Stream in RFC3339Nano format |
CWLDATETIME | AWS CloudWatch Log’s timestamp when it receives the event log from other AWS services in RFC3339Nano format |
DATETIME | eventTime - The timestamp of the actual event log in RFC3339Nano format |
AWSREGION | awsRegion - The AWS region that the request was made to e.g. us-east-2 |
EVENTCATEGORY | eventCategory - Shows the event category that is used in Lookup Events calls: |
EVENTID | eventID - GUID generated by CloudTrail to uniquely identify each event. |
EVENTNAME | eventName - The requested action that triggered the event. |
EVENTTYPE | eventType - Identifies the type of event that generated the event record. This can be the one of the following values: AwsApiCall – An API was called. |
RECIPIENTACCOUNTID | recipientAccountId - Represents the account ID that received this event. The recipient account ID may be different from the CloudTrail user Identity element account Id, this can occur in cross-account resource access. |
REQUESTID | requestID - The value that identifies the request. The service being called generates this value. |
REQUESTPARAMETERS | requestParameters - The parameters, if any, that were sent with the request. This field has a maximum size of 100 KB; content exceeding that limit is truncated. |
RESPONSEELEMENTS | responseElements - The response element for actions that make changes e.g. create, update, or delete actions. If an action does not change state e.g. request to get or list objects, this element is omitted. This field has a maximum size of 100 KB; content exceeding that limit is truncated. |
SRCADDR | sourceIPAddress - The IP address that the request was made from. For actions that originate from the service console, the address reported is for the underlying customer resource, not the console web server. For services in AWS, only the DNS name is displayed. |
USERAGENT | userAgent - The agent through which the request was made. This field has a maximum size of 1 KB; content exceeding that limit is truncated. |
USERACCESSKEYID | accessKeyId - The access key ID that was used to sign the request. If the request was made with temporary security credentials, this is the access key ID of the temporary credentials. |
USERAID | accountId - The account that owns the entity that granted permissions for the request. If the request was made with temporary security credentials, this is the account that owns the IAM user or role used to obtain credentials. |
USERARN | arn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the principal that made the call. |
USERNAME | userName - The friendly name of the identity that made the call. |
USERPID | principalId - A unique identifier for the entity that made the call. For requests made with temporary security credentials, this value includes the session name that is passed to the AssumeRole, AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity, or GetFederationToken API call. |
USERTYPE | type - The type of the identity. |
SNAREDATAMAP | All unclassified field/s in the log will be pushed into the SNAREDATAMAP. |