b. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
Sample Event
date=2019-05-13 time=14:21:42 logid="0101037127" type="event" subtype="vpn" level="notice" vd="root" eventtime=1557782502722231889 logdesc="Progress IPsec phase 1" msg="progress IPsec phase 1" action="negotiate" remip= locip= remport=500 locport=500 outintf="port14" cookies="9091f4d4837ea71c/0000000000000000" user="N/A" group="N/A" xauthuser="N/A" xauthgroup="N/A" assignip=N/A vpntunnel="test" status="success" init="local" mode="main" dir="outbound" stage=1 role="initiator" result="OK"
Field | Description |
DATE | Event date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD |
TIME | Event time, in the format HH:MM:SS |
SYSTEM | The source system |
TABLE | FortiGateEventVPN |
LOGID | Unique 10-digit identifier (log type, subtype/event type and message ID) for that specific log and includes information about the log entry |
TYPE | Represented by the first two digits of the log ID |
SUBTYPE | Represented by the first/second two digits of the log ID |
EVENTTYPE | Represented by the second two digits of the log ID |
DEVID | Serial number of the device for the traffic's origin |
LEVEL | Security level rating |
VD | Name of the virtual domain in which the log message was recorded |
EVENTTIME | Epoch time the log was triggered by FortiGate |
LOGDESC | Log description |
ACTION | Action |
STATUS | Status |
REMIP | Remote IP |
LOCIP | Local IP |
REMPORT | Remote port |
LOCPORT | Local port |
OUTINTF | Out interface |
COOKIES | Cookie |
USER | User name |
GROUP | User group name |
XAUTHUSER | XAuth user name |
XAUTHGROUP | XAuth group name |
ASSIGNIP | Assigned IP address |
VPNTUNNEL | IPsec VPN tunnel name |
MODE | Mode |
DIR | Direction |
ROLE | Role |
RESULT | Result |
MSG | Message text |
SNAREDATAMAP | All other data in the event will be pushed to this field |
Log Message Reference Documentation: https://docs.fortinet.com/document/fortigate/6.4.2/fortios-log-message-reference