Loading ADMX and ADML Templates

Loading ADMX and ADML Templates

The instructions below are for Windows Vista onwards to load their ADMX and ADML templates ( Note the ADM templates can still be used on a Windows 2008 or 2012 based domain, however they are considered to be less efficient than the newer ADMX template formats):

  1. On Domain Controller (DC) go to %SystemRoot%\PolicyDefinitions (assuming DC is using default location for policy definitions else go to your configured location of policy definitions).
  2. Copy .ADMX file into PolicyDefinitions folder.
  3. As per the language to be used by the .ADMX file there must a respective folder in PolicyDefinitions i.e. 'en-US'. If the language folder for your .ADMX file does not exist then create one.
  4. Copy your .ADML file into the language folder e.g. 'en-US'.

    The names of both .ADMX and .ADML MUST be the same.
  5. Open MMC and Group Policy Management snap-in on DC and expand to Group Policy Management | Forest | Domains | <YourDomain> | Group Policy Objects | Default Group Policy. Right Click and select Edit.
  6. On the Group Policy Manage Editor navigate to Computer Configuration | Policies | Administrative Templates: Policy definitions (ADMX) files retrieved from local machine | InterSect Alliance [Agent Name] Settings.

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