Ensure the SAM has been installed within your environment and licenses have been uploaded and set to “auto-assign”, more details can be found here: Installation Guide for Snare Agent Manager - Snare Agent Manager Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net) and here: Licenses - Snare Agent Manager Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net). The SAM is also part of the Snare Central product which includes the Agent Management Console for central management of the agent configurations, more details on installing Snare Central and accessing its built-in SAM can be found here: Installation - Snare Central v8 Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net) here: Snare Agent Manager - Snare Central v8 Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net) and here: Licenses - Snare Agent Manager Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net).
Ensure licenses have been assigned to SAM and are set to “Auto-Assign”, more detail can be found here: Adding Licenses to SAM - Snare Solutions - Confluence (atlassian.net)
Ensure that agents can communicate with the SAM on port 6262 (if using default) for licenses to be correctly issued.
You have exported a modified configuration for SAM licensing by following the “Export configuration with SAM modification - Snare Solutions - Confluence (atlassian.net)” guide.