Release Notes - Amazon Kinesis Real-time v2.4.2


In this version, AgentName column displays the correct agent name after Agent LookUp has completed. There is better handling on 429s and iterator expired errors causing no data lagging.

Bug Fixes

  • ESD-3961 / ESD-4028 / ESD-4035 Revisit Agent LookUp Repolling - AgentName column shows UserID or agent login instead of the actual name. This is because Agent LookUp has not completed due to several 429 errors encountered. If there's any, it should not be reiterating and retry logic at save point should work.

  • ESD-3997 Handle Iterator Expired Error - Iterator Expired error is happening whenever GetRecords has not been called for more than 5 minutes. Adapter should be able to handle this error as the limit for get records was increased from 200 to 1000. If there's any, it should not be reiterating and retry logic at save point should work. This fix also ensures that AgentEvents and CTR data are up to date.