Release Notes - Genesys Cloud Real-Time Adapter v2.5


This version of Genesys Cloud Realtime adapter introduced the integration with Amazon Eventbridge to fetch participant data through Kinesis Stream. Configured conversation attributes should be merged with the data received from notification service (Websocket) to the RealTimeQueueConversations message group.

In addition, there are code errors implemented based on specific scenarios where adapter has been misconfigured.

Product Enhancements

  • Add log entry for number of subscriptions - To help users determine how many OAuth to use in a Genesys Realtime adapter instance, an entry in log will indicate the total number of subscription required.
    Based on Genesys document, each OAuth is capable to accommodate 20k subscriptions.


  • Metrics switch should be removed from global config - To address a concern on having the metric switch in global config, EnableQueueStatusMetrics and EnableAgentPresenceMetrics settings were moved from global.config.json to schema adapter instance.


  • Implement a user-friendly Mask Config - Given the difficulty to configure the masking Json, this new setting QuickFieldsToMask was introduced to quickly mask specific fields which are among the whitelisted to have masking applied.
    Currently, the fields in the whitelist are Anis and Dnis of the RealTimeQueueConversations message group. When QuickFieldsToMask is configured, it will override the setting MaskJsonConfig.

    • Adapter configuration: QuickFieldsToMask = AniDnis

    • Actual result: Ani and Dnis are partially masked on their last 4 characters


  • Implement Error Codes for Configuration Validation - Log should show corresponding error message and no data should be onboarded when any of the following adapter configuration is left blank: URL, Client ID, ClientSecret.


  • Implement Error Codes for Adapter Initialization - Log should show corresponding error message when any of the following adapter configuration is set to more than 120 minutes: InitialConversationLookbackMins, InitialCacheMetricsLookbackMins.


  • Implement Error Codes for websocket management validation - Log should show corresponding error message for the following scenarios:

    • Additional OAuth is needed to start the adapter process.

    • Email monitoring is enabled but email address is left blank.

    • Metrics is enabled but AgentPresenceMetrics or QueueStatusMetrics is left blank.


  • Implement Error Codes for Adapter messaging parsing validation - Log should show corresponding error message when any of the following adapter configuration use incorrect JSOn syntax: InitialLoadConfig, MessageLogConfig, TeamsAlertConfig, EmailAlertsConfig.


  • Implement a setting to turn on/off the integration with Participant data - Since we are not expecting all customers to use the adapter with Eventbridge, a switch is created to enable the use of Participant data when needed.
    Adapter configuration: EnableConversationAttributesIntegration = false

  • Ensure that only participant data from Genesys Cloud is fetched from Kinesis stream - Genesys Cloud is expected to send only participant data via Amazon Eventbridge to Kinesis stream. User can then specify which data to be pulled by the integration via these configurations: KinesisAWSAccessKey, KinesisAWSSecretKey, KinesisAWSRegion, KinesisStreamName, ConversationAttributes. Configured conversation attributes should be added to the RealTimeQueueConversations message group.

  • Parse participant data that is received from Kinesis stream - GC realtime

  • Merge participant data received via Eventbridge and Kinesis stream to QueueConversations message group - The participant data received from Kinesis stream shall be merged (after parsing) with the data received from notification service (Websocket). With this, RealTimeQueueConversations message group will have both data pertaining to realtime conversations.

  • Build 'Kinesis' API reusing AWS RT adapter code - As part of Amazon Eventbridge implementation for Genesys Cloud Realtime participant data, a new API is created allowing the adapter to fetch this data from Kinesis stream.