Release Notes - Amazon Kinesis Real-Time Adapter v2.4.1


Version 2.4.1 of the Amazon Connect Real-time Adapter introduces multiple new features and bug fixes and is compatible with eMite 7.1.0 and later versions of the eMite platform.

Product Enhancement

  • Support for AWS Metadata V2 - The adapter has been updated to use the latest AWS components available. This will ensure support for AWS Metadata V2 as well as keeping the adapter up to date with features of AWS latest components.

Bug Fixes

  • Realtime stream handler – The reconnection process has been improved, covering more exceptions scenarios from the Kinesis stream thus keeping the adapter connection stabilized. Several issues have been fixed and unnecessary processes were removed to make sure that the adapter can reconnect to the Kinesis stream in a more optimized manner.

  • Repolling handler – Look up process has been improved for better performance and reliability. The CTR Cache handler has also been enhanced alongside the Look Up process. Several issues have been fixed for the Look Up process. This will ensure that Agent Names will always be correctly displayed in CTR. The overall loading of Look Up has also been optimized which helps a lot in the overall speed and efficiency of the adapter.

  • “OutOfMemory” problem when de-serializing static data - The adapter has been encountering an OutOfMemory issue due to the load of data that it is processing. This version of the adapter has fixed this issue allowing the adapter to be more scalable in terms of supporting higher volume of data.

  • Agent State Duration transition issue - This version fixes issues on one of the available indexes on the adapter, “AgentStateDuration”. This index focuses on the changes in state of agents.