Audit Service Statistics
Audit Service Statistics
This page displays the statistics for each destination server including any file output logs defined in Network Configuration.
The statistics for each destination are shown, specifically:
- Destination: The IP of the destination.
- Status: e.g. Connecting, Connected, Authenticating etc. A description of the current protocol and network status.
- Started: Time when the destination was created.
- Minutes Currently Active: The number of minutes that the destination has been active.
- Total Bytes Transmitted: Total number of bytes transmitted.
- Total Events Transmitted (including HeartBeats): Total count of all events transmitted.
- Average Events Per Second: The mean Events Per Second (EPS) transmitted
- Average Bytes Per Event: The mean number of bytes transmitted per event.
- Average Bytes Per Minute: The mean number of bytes transmitted per minute.
- Daily Bytes Graph: a frequency distribution of the bytes transmitted in one minute intervals over the last 24 hours.
Data will not be displayed for an unlicensed agent, since no events are sending to the destination SIEM.
*The graph is not supported in IE8 browsers.