Overview of the Snare Agents
Snare Enterprise Agent for MSSQL operates through the actions of the SnareMSSQL service and can be locally or remotely controlled and monitored using a standard web browser. This service interfaces with Microsoft SQL Server to initiate, read, filter and send trace logs from MS SQL to a remote host or a local log file, and includes all the necessary logic to act as a service under Windows 2003/2008/2008R2/2012(R2)/2016/2019 or XP/Vista/Win7/10.
The SnareMSSQL service can be configured to monitor a variety of MSSQL installation types. The default audit policy template will monitor the master database within the default local MSSQL instance. This can be modified on a per audit policy basis to specify a named MSSQL instance and a database within that instance. Snare Enterprise Agent for MSSQL can also be used to monitor SQL instances running on a fail over cluster.
Introducing the Snare Agent Manager or SAM with version 5 of the Snare Enterprise Agents that allows the management of the Snare Agents, such as licensing found on the network via a web browser.