This guide outlines the steps required to perform a side-by-side migration from an existing Snare Central v6 or v7 to a newly installed Snare Central v7 on the same network. It will copy across:
- all event archive data
- the application configuration
- user data.
It can be used to copy event archive data from multiple source servers to a single destination server, although only the application configuration and user data from the last destination server will be kept. This process will remove all existing application configuration and user data from the destination server, so it is highly recommend that it is completed by a fresh install so nothing is lost.
This process is the preferred method of migrating from a Snare Central v6 or v7 to a v7 system, and should be attempted in preference to the over-the-top upgrade process if possible.
v7.2 Feature
To use the Disk Manager feature, a side-by-side migration from an existing Snare Server v7 to a new install of Snare Server v7.2 is required.
Other resources that may be useful to read include:
- Snare Central Installation Guide
- Snare Central User Guide
- Snare Central Release Notes
This document does not cover over-the-top upgrades of an existing Snare Central v6 to v7 on the same server. Please see the Snare Central Upgrade Guide for details of this process.
Any customisations made to the operating system or application code will not be migrated as part of this process. This includes adding and changing components such as FTokens, collection modules, and custom objectives. These will need to be manually migrated over to the destination machine.
These instructions relate to migrating from v6 to v7, and do not support migrating from an older version, such as v4 or v5. To migrate an older Snare Central, migrate it to v6 first, and then to v7.
Looking for something simpler?
If you are looking for something simpler that will copy Snare Event Archive data from a Source server to a Destination server without needing to copy configuration and user data, there is also small helper script on the Snare Central that provides this functionality. See the Manual Event Archive Importer section at the end of this guide in the Migration Notes section for more information.