This page entails the licensing information for the agent and includes:
- the Key IDs for your localhost where the agent is installed
- the active licenses registered to your organization
- the ability to add a license. To do this paste your license text into the shaded area and click Add. This will license the agent without the requirement to restart the agent service.
You may license your agent depending on your network set up.
- If your agent is installed on a network then you also have Snare Agent Manager (SAM) installed that may push out all the licenses to your installed agents.
- If you have a standalone agent, installed on your desktop or device, then you will require to submit your Key IDs via the Snare License and Download Manager (SLDM), that will generate the license, that you may add to your agent via this page.
To add your license, copy the contents of your license file and go to Add License and paste into the field. Click Add.
When a license is added in standalone agents, your agent is automatically licensed. You do not have to restart the service.
If you reinstall your agent then you will require to re-add the license, if it is a standalone agent.