Release Notes - Genesys Cloud Historical Adapter v2.10


This version includes fixes on the queueobservation module specifically on how the MaxWaitTime data is processed.

Bug Fixes

  • AgentName Inconsistency in Different Indexes - Since Genesys has one field for agent name, whatever format used is kept when processing and onboarding this data to UI. This is expected to be consistent across all Genesys Historical indexes.

  • ESD-3982 Create a KPI or Calculated Measure for Longest Wait Time - MaxWaitTime is determined by queueobservations API with detailMetrics. It returns the conversation with the longest wait time. Through this, queueobservation index matches the MaxWaitTime in Genesys.

MaxWaitTime is expected when oWaiting metric is > 0. Although MaxWaitTime and oWaiting use different API and oWaiting API call comes first, this update ensures that MaxWaitTime and oWaiting metric on queueobservation are the same on both dashboard and Genesys.

Alongside this fix, QueueObservations module handles the 100k limit error when it queries active conversations.

  • ESD-5193 Group and DivisionName are not built at Hierarchy fields - Comma separated fields or dimensions where Is Hierarchy is enabled can be sliced on the dashboard. ScheduleAdherenceHistory comma separated fields are DivisionId, DivisionName, and Group. However, entities in Genesys such as member and queue are assigned to 1 division only, thus Group column remains to be configured as CSV.

To slice the Group data, use the new config ConvertLegacyColumns. By default, its set to false and when set to true, Group field is configured as CSV.

ConvertLegacyColumns = <true/false>

  • ESD-6100 Missing evaluations in the clone - Ideally UpdateGroup cache is updated whenever GetQualityRawData runs. In the event that the cache isn’t updated and GetQualityRawData encountered Error 400, adapter continues to poll the current date interval.

Date Interval- StartTime:2023-11-14T01:00:00Z
> Poll Agent 1
> Poll Agent 2 - error (agent might not be active anymore and cache is not updated)
> Poll Agent 3 (continue poll)