Release Notes - Genesys Cloud Historical Adapter v2.9.3


We are introducing a new index, CallSegmentHistory_Job, which aids in processing larger volume of data. It can poll faster even with attributes older than 30 days.

Product Enhancements

  • Implement Genesys Historical CallSegmentHistory Module Using Jobs API - Repolling data with the existing CallSegmentHistory index takes time especially when there are configured attributes. Aside from this, it is only limited to custom attributes 30 days old.
    Through CallSegmentHistory_Job module, processing of larger volume of data has improved. It provides faster repolling and can include attributes older than 30 days.
    The new index offers the same data and features with the existing CallSegmentHistory, except for the usage of config CallSegmentColumns.
    Currently, leaving this setting blank onboards all attributes. But it is prone to encounter 413 error (entity too large) for organizations with numerous attributes. As prevention, in the new CallSegmentHistory_Job, leaving it blank will not onboard any attributes.

    modules- CallSegmentHistory_Job

  • Convert Time-based Metrics to Seconds in CallSegmentHistory - In previous versions, CallSegmentHistory time-based metrics underwent couple of conversions, i.e. to seconds then back to milliseconds.
    Since users have different preferences, these metrics are now made configurable with the new config, ConvertMetricsToSec. It allows them to choose how time-based metrics in CallSegmentHistory is presented, i.e. either in milliseconds or seconds. By default, these metrics is in milliseconds.

    ConvertMetricsToSec - false (default)


In Milliseconds,

In Seconds,

Bug Fixes

  • ESD-6259 In our emite reports adherence does not seem to be coming across - Adherence module is making unnecessary pollback because Start date is calculated based on min date. This is being corrected when running the index with LookBackDays configured. Computation of Start date is current date - the number of LookBackDays.
    When LookBackDays > 0, start date = current date - LookBackDays
    mindate - 2023/08/15T10:00:00
    LookBackDays - 7
    [NEW INDEX] Start poll - 2023-08-18T00:00:00 (Current Date 8-25 minus 7 days)

When LookBackDays > 0, start date = current date - LookBackDays
mindate - 2023/08/15T10:00:00
LookBackDays - 7
[EXISTING INDEX] Adapter restarts on 8-30 -
Start poll - 2023/08/23T10:00:00 (Current Date 8-30 minus 7 days)


When LookBackDays = 0, start date = min date
mindate - 2023/08/15T10:00:00
Lookbackdays - 0
[NEW INDEX] Start poll - 2023-08-15T10:00:00

When LookBackDays = 0, start date = min date
mindate - 2023/08/15T10:00:00
Lookbackdays - 0
[EXISTING INDEX] Adapter restarts on 8-30 -
Start poll - 2023-08-15T10:00:00

Applies to both case, when Lookback < mindate, the start date = mindate


  • ESD-6100 Missing evaluations in the clone - Current GetQualityRawData module does not include evaluations associated to agents who are inactive by the time of polling, which results to missing evaluations.
    Since UpdateGroups module now adds inactive and deleted agents to the GroupsListCache, and this cache is used by GetQualityRawData, users can configure which data to process in the GetQualityRawData index.
    IncludeInactiveAgents - false(default)
    IncludeDeletedAgents - false(default and hard coded)

    When IncludeInactiveAgents = true, this ensures evaluations related to inactive agents are polled successfully.

    For deleted agents, it depends if the associated evaluation has been onboarded or not before the agent being evaluated got deleted.

    Given evaluation has onboarded and agent being evaluated got deleted, the evaluation will still reflect without change.
    Given evaluation has not onboarded and agent being evaluated got deleted, the evaluation will not be polled.

  • GroupsListCache contains agent regardless of group association meaning even those who do not belong to any group is included in the cache.

  • When hard repolling GetQualityRawData, delete Lookup_QualityRawData table Because when onboarded GetQualityRawData != Lookup_QualityRawData table, it causes the IsDeleted = true
    Ideally, clone and prod servers should both repoll at the same.