Genesys PureConnect Data Dictionary
Ria De Jesus
The eMite RTBI Engine maps data against a virtual multidimensional array. For data that has been onboarded into Elasticsearch data storage, each field is defined as either a Measure or Dimension.
These are called Predefined fields since the data reflects Genesys PureConnect’s own metrics and dimensions, and relies on the definitions put in place by Genesys.
More details for PureConnect metric definitions can be found at the Genesys PureConnect’s data dictionary for the CIC Database data source, here. For the RealTime ICWS statistics, the definitions can be found here.
Additionally, the eMite RTBI engine allows for the creation of custom Measures and Dimensions. These include KPIs, Calculated Measures, Grouped Members, and Virtual Members. These Custom fields do not exist in the data storage. Instead, these can be considered pre-sliced or pre-filtered fields where a specific definition has been configured in the eMite KPI Management.
This data dictionary includes both Predefined and Custom definitions.
Index Summary
eMite Index Name | Default Frequency | Data Source | Comments |
eMite Index Name | Default Frequency | Data Source | Comments |
Queue History | Every 30 Minutes at 15/45 min | CIC Database | Based off the StatProfile and StatDimensions table |
Agent History | Every 30 Minutes at 15/45min | CIC Database | Based off the StatProfile, StatDimensions and AgentStatistics table |
Agent Activity | Every 10 minutes | CIC Database | Based off the AgentActivityLog table |
Interaction Detail | Every 10 minutes | CIC Database | Based off the InteractionSummary table |
Interaction Summary | Every 10 minutes | CIC Database | Based off the InteractionSummary table |
Wrapup Codes | Every 30 Minutes at 14/45 min | CIC Database | Based off the InteractionWrapUp table |
RealTime – UserStatus | Average 5 second delay | ICWS |
RealTime – Stats/Metrics | Average 5 second delay | ICWS | Limited to Queue & Workgroup stats however User Stats can be added as well. |
RealTime – Interaction | Average 5 second delay | ICWS | This is normally disabled as this was originally a test index |
Measure Definitions
There are a number of Predefined Measures in eMite indexes which are mapped directly to PureConnect metrics. Since these exist as base-level metrics in PureConnect, there is no data manipulation or calculation to arrive at these values.
Predefined Measures
More information about metric categorization in PureConnect can be found in the Genesys PureConnect Data Dictionary.
Metric Name | Genesys Definition | eMite Indexes | Comment |
Metric Name | Genesys Definition | eMite Indexes | Comment |
nDuration | The duration in seconds of the interval. If dIntervalStart is an odd start time, the duration of the interval will have a non standard length. | Queue History, Agent History |
nEnteredACD | The number of ACD related queue interactions that entered this queue during the interval. An interaction is considered ACD related if it has been operated upon by any of the ACD interaction handling tools. nEnteredAcd includes interactions whose end condition is not yet determined. Any interactions that are not answered or abandoned in the current interval might be answered or might abandon in the next interval. | Queue History, Agent History |
nGrabbedAcd | The number of ACD related queue interactions that abandoned this queue during the interval. Interactions that transfer from one distribution queue to another distribution queue, where no agent ever answers the interaction in the first distribution queue, will not show up in nAbandonedACD or nTransferACD. They will only show in nFlowOutAcd. | Queue History, Agent History |
nLocalDisconnectAcd | Number of ACD queue interactions that were disconnected locally. A local disconnect is defined as a disconnect by a CIC agent/user or the CIC system. A remote disconnect comes from the external party or phone company. | Queue History, Agent History |
nLocalDisconnectAgentAlertAcd | The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were alerting in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. | Queue History, Agent History |
nLocalDisconnectAgentAcd | The same as nLocalDisconnectAcd but only for those interactions that were in an agent queue while being locally disconnected. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAlertedAcd | Number of ACD related queue interactions that were in an Alerting state while in this queue. Note that interactions which transition to Alerting more than once are only counted once. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnsweredAcd | Number of ACD related queue interactions that were answered by the agent. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a Client_Connected state with an agent. This number can exceed nEnteredACD for the agent's queue because interactions can enter the queue in the previous interval and then be answered in the current interval. Interactions are only answered once relative to the agent queue assignment. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnswered | Number of all interactions—ACD and non-ACD—that were answered by the agent. Answered interactions are interactions that reached a Client_Connected state with an agent. See nAnsweredAcd for more information. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAcdSvcLvl | Number of seconds in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more info. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl | The number of ACD interactions answered in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 | The number of ACD interactions answered in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl2 | The number of ACD interactions answered in the second service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl3 | The number of ACD interactions answered in the third service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl4 | The number of ACD interactions answered in the fourth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl5 | The number of ACD interactions answered in the fifth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl6 | The number of ACD interactions answered in the sixth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. The value can be applicable, but is important to remember that the value is relative to the agents queue and not the distribution queue. It can be used to track the time to answer an interaction during the ring time. In this case, the service level settings will need to be very short to capture data. For more information, see the description of service levels in the Interval Queue Data summary section. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl | The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the target service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl1 | The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the first service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl2 | The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the second service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl3 | The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the third service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl4 | The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fourth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAbandonAcdSvcLvl5 | The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the fifth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAbandonAcdSvcLlvl6 | The number of ACD interactions abandoned in the sixth service level. This column does not usually apply for agents. See nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl1 for more information. | Queue History, Agent History |
tGrabbedAcd | This value is not currently supported. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAnsweredAcd | The sum of the time in seconds of all ACD interactions that were in queue before entering a Client_Connected state. | Queue History, Agent History | In milliseconds |
mtAnsweredAcd | The maximum time in seconds that an interaction was in the queue before entering a Client_Connected state. | Queue History, Agent History | In milliseconds |
tAbandonedAcd | The sum of the time in seconds all abandoned ACD interactions were in queue before they abandoned. | Queue History, Agent History | In milliseconds |
tOfferedAcd |
| Queue History, Agent History | tAnswered+tAbandonedAcd |
tTalkAcd | The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent from when they first entered a Client_Connected state until the time the ACD interactions went inactive or flowed out of the queue.
It is possible to have talk time appear in an interval without having any new ACD interactions for that interval. The time comes from ACD interactions that connected in that interval.
Interactions might have entered the queue in the previous interval. It is possible to have talk time on a chat. Think of tTalkAcd as the time an interaction is active with an agent.
Note tTalkACD is the time an interaction is active with an agent, including any Hold time with the agent during the interaction. | Queue History, Agent History | In milliseconds |
tTalkCompleteAcd | Counts the total talk time of a call in the period in which it completed, unlike tTalkAcd which counts the talk time for each period it is counted in. | Queue History, Agent History | In milliseconds |
nHoldAcd | Number of ACD interactions that were placed on hold while in this queue. | Queue History, Agent History |
tHoldAcd | The sum of the time, in seconds, all ACD interactions spent on hold while in this queue. | Queue History, Agent History | In milliseconds |
nSuspendAcd | For future changes. | Queue History, Agent History |
tSuspendAcd | For future changes. | Queue History, Agent History |
nHeldSpanAcd | For future changes. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAcw | Counts the number of ACW sessions completed in the given period except manually initiated ACW sessions. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAcw | The sum of the time, in seconds, the agent spent in an After Call Work status, also known as wrap up time. The count starts when an interaction goes inactive, usually due to a local or remote disconnect, and ends when the agent leaves the After Call Work status. This value may or may not include non-ACD interactions depending on how the statuses are setup.
Note tACW is the time in follow-up that is directly associated with an interaction. Follow-up without an ACD interaction (agent selected with no previously disconnected ACD interaction) will not be in tACW. The tACW value will only be recorded in rows of queue statistics directly associated with the interaction. It will not be in any other workgroup, media type, or skill associated rows. | Queue History, Agent History, Wrap Up Codes, Interation Summary | In milliseconds |
tAcwComplete | Counts the total ACW Time for the completed ACW sessions. This includes the total time for each session even if it spanned multiple statistic intervals. | Queue History, Agent History | In milliseconds |
nExternToInternCalls | Number of interactions, ACD and non-ACD, originating from external locations and connecting to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. | Queue History, Agent History |
nExternToInternAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. | Queue History, Agent History |
nInternToExternCalls | Number of all interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. | Queue History, Agent History |
nInternToExternAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions from internal extension to external locations. If a call does not connect to a remote system (for example, Insufficient Dialing Privileges), it will not count toward this statistic. | Queue History, Agent History |
nInternToInternCalls | Number of all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. Internal to internal calls are counted as inbound calls whether the agent placed or received the call because CIC has no way of determining the direction of internal calls. | Queue History, Agent History |
nInternToInternAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Calls transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD call. Calls that leave a queue without a connect or disconnect event, also called flowouts, will not be counted in this statistic. | Queue History, Agent History |
tExternToInterCalls | Sum of seconds for all interactions from external locations to internal extensions. | Queue History, Agent History |
tExternToInterAcdCalls | Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from external locations to internal extensions. | Queue History, Agent History |
tInternToExternCalls | Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to external locations. | Queue History, Agent History |
tInternToExternAcdCalls | Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to external locations. | Queue History, Agent History |
tInternToInternCalls | Sum of seconds for all interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. | Queue History, Agent History |
tInternToInternAcdCalls | Sum of seconds for ACD interactions from internal extensions to internal extensions. This includes ACD Interactions transferred between agents in the same distribution queue. Both agents are credited with the ACD interaction. | Queue History, Agent History |
nAcwCalls | Number of outbound interactions made by the agent during After Call Work time. If the agent places an interaction after handling an ACD interaction, that interaction, or any other interaction placed during the ACW time, is considered a nACWcall. nACWCall is also accumulated when an agent puts an ACD interaction on hold and places a consult call with another party. CIC assumes that any call placed with an ACD interaction on hold is nACWCall activity.
CIC actually caches the last set of containers associated with the agent's last ACD interaction. This cache is reset any time the agent answers another ACD interaction. When CIC sees an ACD interaction or conditions on the agent queue that would count as an AcwCall, it processes the time and the count against the cached container list. It is done this way because the ACD interaction that made this association might actually be dead and gone from the system by the time the AcwCall event occurs. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAcwCalls | Sum of time, in seconds, the agent spent on outbound interactions during After Call Work time. Also see nAcwCalls. | Queue History, Agent History |
nTransferedAcd | Number of ACD interactions transferred while on this queue. The destination could have been another agent in the same distribution queue, an agent outside of the distribution queue, or a call that was transferred from one workgroup queue to another workgroup queue by a user without beingconnected to a user.
Only set for Callinteraction types. | Queue History, Agent History |
nNotAnsweredAcd | Number of ACD interactions that were not answered when presented to the agent as an Alerting interaction. nNotAnsweredAcd interactions will also count towards nFlowOutAcd | Queue History, Agent History |
tAlertedAcd | Sum of the time, in seconds, ACD interactions spent in an Alerting state on this user queue. Also referred to as Ring time. | Queue History, Agent History |
nFlowOutAcd | The number of ACD interactions that flowed out during this interval. Flow outs are defined as queue interactions that were removed from a queue without reaching an inactive state. Queue interactions have an inactive state that is used to mark the interaction for deletion by the ACD subsystem after the interaction has either been answered or abandoned. The most common reason for an interaction to not reach an inactive state, and thus flow out, would be a queue interaction that is transferred. Also, nNotAnsweredAcd. towards nFlowOutAcd. Another possible reason for a flow out to occur would be from hunt group alerts. A multiple alert for hunt group places the same interaction on multiple user/agent queues. The interaction is considered a flow out in each of the user queues were the users do not answer. This would mean a large number of flow outs could be generated for each member of the hunt group when using this type of interaction routing. | Queue History, Agent History |
tFlowOutAcd | Sum of seconds ACD interactions were in queue before being counted in nFlowOutAcd. See nFlowOutAcd for more information. | Queue History, Agent History |
nStartWaitAlertAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions that were waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the start of the interval. | Queue History, Agent History |
nStartActiveAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions that were active with the agent at start of the interval. | Queue History, Agent History |
nStartHeldAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions that were held at start of the interval. | Queue History, Agent History |
nEndWaitAlertAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions that are waiting to be answered or were alerting to be answered at the end of the interval. | Queue History, Agent History |
nEndActiveAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions that are active with the agent at the end of the interval. | Queue History, Agent History |
nEndHeldAcdCalls | Number of ACD interactions that are held at the end of the interval. | Queue History, Agent History |
nTransferWithinAcdCalls |
| Queue History, Agent History |
nTransferOutAcdCalls |
| Queue History, Agent History |
nDisconnectAcd | Number of ACD interactions that disconnected while still on the queue, or were transferred to another queue while connected to an agent. Interactions that abandon while in the queue are included, whereas interactions that leave the queue before being connected to an agent (flow outs) are not. The main utility of this value is in validating that all interactions that entered the queue were counted correctly. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentLoggedIn | The time, in seconds, that the agent was logged in to the client. This time is divided between the agent's statuses in tAgentOnAcdCall, tAgentOnOtherAcdCal, tAgentInAcw, tAgentOnNonAcdCall, tAgentAvailable, tAgentDnd, and tAgentNotAvailable.
The values in these status fields are adjusted up or down so their sum equals tAgentLoggedIn. Because rounding differences can cause loss of seconds whenever one time is summed as parts broken down by seconds, rounded values are adjusted to insure there is no difference in the sum. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentAvailable | Sum of time, in seconds, agents were in an available status, whether or not the agent is activated. This column relates specifically to the agent and not the interaction type, meaning it is not limited to ACDavailable statuses or ACD workgroups. Ring time is currently included in the tAgentAvailable time. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentTalk | Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was on ACD interactions from first Client_Connected until end of ACW for this queue.
Note tAgentTalk is tTalkACD + tACW, and should be thought of as tHandleTime. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentOtherBusy | Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was working on interactions (ACD and non-ACD) for queues other this one. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentOnAcdCall | Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for the workgroup | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentOnOtherAcdCall | Sum of the time in seconds the agent was working on ACD connected interactions for other workgroups | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentInAcw | Sum of the time, in seconds the agent was in an After Call Work state.
Note tAgentInAcw is for the Workgroup and User rows of statistics that are associated with tACW, and will include the tACW time. For other rows, tACW will not be included in tAgentInAcw, but instead will be counted as ACD time of another Workgroup and be in tAgentOnOtherAcdCall and tAgentOtherBusy. For non-ACW time, manual follow-up not associated with an ACD interaction, the time in a follow-up status will be included in tAgentInAcw and tAgentStatusACW. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentOnNonAcdCall | Sum of the time, in seconds the agent was working on non-ACD interactions. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentDnd | Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in a Do Not Disturb state. Also, tAgentDND is part of a set of values that must always sum up to tAgentLoggedIn. It is driven by the combination of ACD availability and client status. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentNotAvailable | Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was not available to take ACD interactions, but was logged in to the system. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentAcdLoggedIn | Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was logged in, activated in the queue, and available to take interactions in a status that has the Status allows ACD calls box checked. By default, only the Available status has this box checked. All three conditions must be met to count toward tAgentAcdLoggedIn time. This column does not count the time an agent is actively engaged in ACD interactions, for example, talking on ACD calls. This statistic can be used to track Idle Time. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentAcdLoggedIn2 | Same as tAgentAcdLoggedIn but the agent's status has no effect to this statistic. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentStatusDnd | Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in a Do Not Disturb status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as DND, then DND time is accumulated. The value can differ from tAgentDND. If agents are allowed to set their status to a DND status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is DND, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusDND. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentStatusAcw | Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in an After call Work status as determined only by the current client status. If the current status is marked as ACW, then ACW time is accumulated. The value can differ from tAgentInAcw. If agents are allowed to set their status to an ACW status while on an ACD interaction, then they still accumulate time in tAgentOnAcdCall, but their status is ACW, so they will also accumulate tAgentStatusAcw. Note: tAgentStatusACW is any time spent in a follow-up Status. This attribute is one of the agent only statistics so it is not found in rows of statistics below Work Group/Distribution Queue and User Queue, i.e., Media Type and Skill. | Queue History, Agent History |
tAgentLoggedInDiluted | Not meaningful relative to an agent queue because an agent cannot be a member of more than one agent queue. See IWrkgrpQueueStats. | Queue History, Agent History |
tStatusGroupFollow | Sum of the time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Followup. A status group is any grouping of agent status messages. There are five predefined groups in CIC: Available, Break, Followup, Training, and Unavailable. Beyond just grouping statuses, status groups provide a way to track specific time in a status as part of the interval information of an agent or distribution queue. See the StatusGroup column in the AgentActivityLog table for more information. It is possible to define your own custom groups. See the online help in Interaction Administrator for more information. It is also possible to make the group to status mapping a one to one mapping. No grouping is actually forced, just encouraged. Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupFollowup column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup row, and the value is populated only for the workgroup summary row. | Queue History, Agent History |
tStatusGroupBreak | Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Break. See tStatusGroupFollowup for more information.
Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupBreak column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup summary row. | Queue History, Agent History |
tStatusGroupTraining | Sum of time, in seconds, the agent was in any status that belongs to the status group Training. See tStatusGroupFollowup for more information.
Note: For the IAgentQueueStats view, the tStatusGroupTraining column will always be 0 (zero) in the workgroup summary row. | Queue History, Agent History |
CustomValue1 |
| Queue History, Agent History |
CustomValue2 |
| Queue History, Agent History |
CustomValue3 |
| Queue History, Agent History |
CustomValue4 | The default value is set to mtAbandonedACD. The mtAbandonedACD is the maximum amount of time a customer waited before they abandoned in an interval. If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. | Queue History, Agent History |
CustomValue5 | The default value is set to nMessageACD. The NMessageACD is the number of ACD interactions that went to a message state, voice mail for interactions, during the interval. Please note that subtracting this value from nAbandonedACD will not give you a true voice mail count, since it is possible for interactions to go in and out of voice mail several times, or for an interaction to be answered and then sent to voice mail.
If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. | Queue History, Agent History |
CustomValue6 | The default value is set to nRequestedSuperAssis tACD. NRequestSuperAssistA CD is the number of supervisor-assist requests that were placed from the clients for ACD interaction during the interval.
If a customer is using this custom value for their own purpose their customizations will override this default setting and the customizations will continue to work as configured. | Queue History, Agent History |
StateDuration | Duration, in seconds, the previous status was active. The agent's current state duration will not be logged until their status has been changed. | Agent Activity | In Seconds |
tConnected |
| Wrap Up Codes, Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
tHold | The sum of the time, in milliseconds, all ACD items spent on hold while in this queue. | Wrap Up Codes | In milliseconds |
nHold | Number of ACD items that were placed on hold while in this queue. | Wrap Up Codes |
tDialing | How long interaction is in dialing state. | Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
DialingDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
tIVRWait | Total IVR Time for the interaction. | Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
IVRWaitDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
tQueueWait | Total time the interactions waited in one or more Queues. | Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
QueueWaitDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
tAlert | Time the interaction was in the alerting state | Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
AlertDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
ConnectedDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
tHeld |
| Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
HoldDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
tSuspend | For future changes. | Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
SuspendDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
tConference | Total time the interaction actively participated in a conference. | Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
ConferenceDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
tExternal | Total time the interaction was connected after an external transfer. | Interaction Summary | In milliseconds |
ExternalDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
ACWDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | In seconds |
nIVR | Number of times the interaction entered any IVR (as determined by call attribute set by Interaction Attendant or a handler). | Interaction Summary |
nQueueWait | Number of times the interaction waited in any ACD queue (even the same one multiple times). | Interaction Summary |
nTalk | Number of times this interaction was actively connected to any agent (even the same one multiple times). | Interaction Summary |
nConference | Number of times this interaction was actively connected to any conference (even the same one multiple times). | Interaction Summary |
nHeld | Number of times the interaction was in held state after connected. | Interaction Summary |
nTransfer | Number of times the interaction was transferred. | Interaction Summary |
nExternal | Number of times the interaction was transferred externally. | Interaction Summary |
LineDuration | Duration in line in milliseconds | Interaction Summary |
LineDurationSeconds |
| Interaction Summary | LineDuration in seconds |
nSecuredIVR | This column captures the number of times the call went to secured session during its entire life. | Interaction Summary |
tSecuredIVR | This column captures the total duration of the secured session for the particular interaction id. For example, if the interaction went to multiple sessions of secured session, this column will accumulate all the individual sessions and log the total duration. | Interaction Summary |
nPark | Number of times the interaction was in parked state. | Interaction Summary |
tPark | Total parked time for the interaction. If the interaction transition to park state is by multiple agents, this value includes all parked durations. Captures the duration of how long the interaction is in a parked state. | Interaction Summary |
SegmentDuration |
| Interaction Detail |
SegmentDurationTime |
| Interaction Detail |
Custom Measures
Some Indexes also include a number of measures which have been created by eMite as either a Custom Measure (KPI), Calculated Measure, or Virtual Member.
Agent History
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
ACW Time Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tAcw])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Handle Time Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Handle Time])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Average Speed of Answer | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tAnsweredAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Talk Time Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Talk Time])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Hold Time Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tHoldAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Talk Time | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[tTalkAcd])-SUM({} * [Measures].[tHoldAcd]) |
Abandoned % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nAbandonedAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Flow Out % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nFlowOutAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Transferred % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Handle Time | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[tTalkAcd])+SUM({} * [Measures].[tAcw]) |
Non-ACD IN | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[nExternToInternCalls])-SUM({} * [Measures].[nExternToInternAcdCalls]) |
Non-ACD IN Time | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[tExternToInternCalls])-SUM({} * [Measures].[tExternToInternAcdCalls]) |
Non-ACD OUT | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[nInternToExternCalls])-SUM({} * [Measures].[nInternToExternAcdCalls]) |
Non-ACD OUT Time | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[tInternToExternCalls])-SUM({} * [Measures].[tInternToExternAcdCalls]) |
Non-ACD IN Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Non-ACD IN Time])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Non-ACD IN])) |
Non-ACD OUT Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Non-ACD OUT Time])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Non-ACD OUT])) |
Index Count | Default | SUM({} * [Measures].[cicagenthistorysummary Count]) |
Answered % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
DND Time | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[tAllAgentStatusDnd]) |
Holds % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nHoldAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Local Disconnect % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nLocalDisconnectAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Today Answered % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Answered %]) |
Today Transferred % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Transferred %]) |
Today Handle Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Handle Time Avg]) |
Today Hold Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Hold Time Avg]) |
Today ACW Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[ACW Time Avg]) |
Today Talk Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Talk Time Avg]) |
Today Alerted Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nAlertedAcd]) |
Today Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]) |
Today Not Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nNotAnsweredAcd]) |
Today Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd]) |
Today Hold Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nHoldAcd]) |
This Week Answered % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Answered %]) |
This Week Transferred % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Transferred %]) |
This Week ACW Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[ACW Time Avg]) |
This Week Handle Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Handle Time Avg]) |
This Week Hold Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Hold Time Avg]) |
This Week Talk Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Talk Time Avg]) |
This Week Alerted Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nAlertedAcd]) |
This Week Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]) |
This Week Not Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nNotAnsweredAcd]) |
This Week Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd]) |
This Week Hold Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nHoldAcd]) |
Last Week Answered % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@LastWeek} * [Measures].[Answered %]) |
Last Week Transferred % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Transferred %]) |
Last Week ACW Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[ACW Time Avg]) |
Last Week Handle Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Handle Time Avg]) |
Last Week Hold Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Hold Time Avg]) |
Last Week Talk Time Avg | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Talk Time Avg]) |
Last Week Alerted Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nAlertedAcd]) |
Last Week Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]) |
Last Week Hold Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nHoldAcd]) |
Last Week Not Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nNotAnsweredAcd]) |
Last Week Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd]) |
Today Talk Time | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today } * [Measures].[tTalkAcd]) |
This Week Talk Time | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[tTalkAcd]) |
Last Week Talk Time | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@LastWeek} * [Measures].[tTalkAcd]) |
Agent Activity
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
DND | Sum | SUM({[StatusDnd].[StatusDnd].[true]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
ACW | Sum | SUM({[StatusAcw].[StatusAcw].[true]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
Non ACD | Sum | SUM({[AcdLoggedIn].[AcdLoggedIn].[false]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
Available | Sum | SUM({[StatusGroup].[StatusGroup].[available]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
Break | Sum | SUM({[StatusGroup].[StatusGroup].[break]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
Follow Up | Sum | SUM({[StatusGroup].[StatusGroup].[followup]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
Unavailable | Sum | SUM({[StatusGroup].[StatusGroup].[unavailable]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
Training | Sum | SUM({[StatusGroup].[StatusGroup].[training]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
Index Count | Default | SUM({} * [Measures].[cicagentactivity Count]) |
Logged In | Sum | SUM({[LoggedIn].[LoggedIn].[true]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
Logged Out | Sum | SUM({[LoggedIn].[LoggedIn].[false]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
ACD | Sum | SUM({[AcdLoggedIn].[AcdLoggedIn].[true]} * [Measures].[StateDuration]) |
ACD % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[ACD])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Logged In]))*100 |
Queue History
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
Avg Handle Time | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Total Handle Time])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Avg ACW Time | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tAcw])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Avg Talk Time | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Total Talk Time])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Avg Hold Time | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tHoldAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Avg Wait Time | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tAnsweredAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Total Handle Time | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[tTalkAcd])+SUM({} * [Measures].[tAcw]) |
% Abandoned | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nAbandonedAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Total Talk Time | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[tTalkAcd])-SUM({} * [Measures].[tHoldAcd]) |
ASA | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tAnsweredAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])) |
Svc Lvl % Ans | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]))*100 |
Index Count | Default | SUM({} * [Measures].[cicqueuehistorysummary Count]) |
Svc Lvl % Off | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Answered % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Transferred % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]))*100 |
Offered | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]) |
Flow Out % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nFlowOutAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd]))*100 |
Hold % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[nHoldAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]))*100 |
Abandon Time Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tAbandonedAcd])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nEnteredAcd])) |
Outbound Time Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tInternToExternCalls])/SUM({} * [Measures].[nInternToExternCalls])) |
Today Abandoned Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nAbandonedAcd]) |
Today Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]) |
Today ASA | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[ASA]) |
Today Service Level Off | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Off]) |
Today Service Level Ans | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Ans]) |
Today Offered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Offered]) |
Today Performance Score Value | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Today Answered Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Today Abandoned Count]) |
Today Performance Score | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Today Performance Score Value])*SUM({} * [Measures].[Today Service Level Off]) |
WTD Abandoned Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nAbandonedAcd]) |
WTD Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]) |
WTD ASA | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[ASA]) |
WTD Offered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Offered]) |
WTD Service Level Off | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Off]) |
WTD Service Level Ans | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Ans]) |
WTD Performance Score Value | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[WTD Answered Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[WTD Abandoned Count]) |
WTD Performance Score | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[WTD Performance Score Value])*SUM({} * [Measures].[WTD Service Level Off]) |
Yesterday Abandoned Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[nAbandonedAcd]) |
Yesterday Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]) |
Yesterday ASA | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[ASA]) |
Yesterday Offered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[Offered]) |
Yesterday Service Level Off | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Off]) |
Yesterday Service Level Ans | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Ans]) |
Yesterday Performance Score Value | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Yesterday Answered Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Yesterday Abandoned Count]) |
Yesterday Performance Score | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Yesterday Performance Score Value])*SUM({} * [Measures].[Yesterday Service Level Off]) |
Last 7 Days Abandoned Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[nAbandonedAcd]) |
Last 7 Days Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]) |
Last 7 Days ASA | Trend Measures | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Answered Count])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Answered Count])) |
Last 7 Days Offered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[Offered]) |
Last 7 Days Service Level Ans | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Ans]) |
Last 7 Days Service Level Off | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Off]) |
Last 7 Days Performance Score Value | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Answered Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Abandoned Count]) |
Last 7 Days Performance Score | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Performance Score Value])*SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Service Level Off]) |
Last 6 Days Abandoned Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[nAbandonedAcd]) |
Last 6 Days Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcd]) |
Last 6 Days ASA | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[ASA]) |
Last 6 Days Offered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[Offered]) |
Last 6 Days Service Level Ans | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Ans]) |
Last 6 Days Service Level Off | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[Svc Lvl % Off]) |
Last 6 Days Performance Score Value | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Answered Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Abandoned Count]) |
Last 6 Days Performance Score | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Performance Score Value])*SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Service Level Off]) |
7 Days Ago Abandoned Count | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Abandoned Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Abandoned Count]) |
7 Days Ago Answered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Answered Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Answered Count]) |
7 Days Ago ASA | Trend Measures | (SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Answered Time])/SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Answered Count])) |
7 Days Ago Offered Count | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Offered Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Offered Count]) |
7 Days Ago Service Level Off | Trend Measures | (SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Answered Svc Lvl Count])/SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Offered Count]))*100 |
7 Days Ago Service Level Ans | Trend Measures | (SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Answered Svc Lvl Count])/SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Answered Count]))*100 |
7 Days Ago Performance Score Value | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Answered Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Abandoned Count]) |
7 Days Ago Performance Score | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Performance Score Value])*SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Service Level Off]) |
Last 7 Days Answered Time | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[tAnsweredAcd]) |
Last 6 Days Answered Time | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[tAnsweredAcd]) |
7 Days Ago Answered Time | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Answered Time])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Answered Time]) |
Today Answered Time | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today } * [Measures].[tAnsweredAcd]) |
WTD Answered Time | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek } * [Measures].[tAnsweredAcd]) |
Yesterday Answered Time | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday } * [Measures].[tAnsweredAcd]) |
Last 6 Days Answered Svc Lvl Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl]) |
Last 7 Days Answered Svc Lvl Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl]) |
Today Answered Svc Lvl Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl]) |
WTD Answered Svc Lvl Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl]) |
Yesterday Answered Svc Lvl Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[nAnsweredAcdSvcLvl]) |
7 Days Ago Answered Svc Lvl Count | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Answered Svc Lvl Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Answered Svc Lvl Count]) |
Yesterday Answered % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[Answered %]) |
Yesterday Abandoned % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[% Abandoned]) |
Yesterday Flow Out % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[Flow Out %]) |
Yesterday Transferred % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[Transferred %]) |
WTD Abandoned % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[% Abandoned]) |
WTD Answered % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Answered %]) |
WTD Flow Out % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Flow Out %]) |
WTD Transferred % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[Transferred %]) |
Today Abandoned % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[% Abandoned]) |
Today Answered % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Answered %]) |
Today Flow Out % | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Flow Out %]) |
Today Transferred % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[Transferred %]) |
Last 7 Days Abandoned % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[% Abandoned]) |
Last 7 Days Answered % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[Answered %]) |
Last 7 Days Flow Out % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[Flow Out %]) |
Last 7 Days Transferred % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[Transferred %]) |
Last 6 Days Abandoned % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[% Abandoned]) |
Last 6 Days Answered % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[Answered %]) |
Last 6 Days Flow Out % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[Flow Out %]) |
Last 6 Days Transferred % | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[Transferred %]) |
Yesterday Flow Out Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[nFlowOutAcd]) |
Yesterday Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Yesterday} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd]) |
WTD Flow Out Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nFlowOutAcd]) |
WTD Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd]) |
Today Flow Out Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nFlowOutAcd]) |
Today Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd]) |
Last 7 Days Flow Out Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[nFlowOutAcd]) |
Last 7 Days Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last7Days} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd]) |
Last 6 Days Flow Out Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[nFlowOutAcd]) |
Last 6 Days Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({[LinkedDate].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Last6Days} * [Measures].[nTransferedAcd]) |
7 Days Ago Flow Out Count | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Flow Out Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Flow Out Count]) |
7 Days Ago Transferred Count | Trend Measures | SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 7 Days Transferred Count])-SUM({} * [Measures].[Last 6 Days Transferred Count]) |
7 Days Ago Abandoned % | Trend Measures | (SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Abandoned Count])/SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Offered Count]))*100 |
7 Days Ago Answered % | Trend Measures | (SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Answered Count])/SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Offered Count]))*100 |
7 Days Ago Flow Out % | Trend Measures | (SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Flow Out Count])/SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Offered Count]))*100 |
7 Days Ago Transferred % | Trend Measures | (SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Transferred Count])/SUM({} * [Measures].[7 Days Ago Answered Count]))*100 |
Wait Time until Abandon | Avg | SUM({} * [Measures].[tAbandonedAcd])-SUM({} * [Measures].[nEndWaitAlertAcdCalls]) |
Interaction Summary
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
Inbound Duration | Sum | SUM({[Direction].[Direction].[1]} * [Measures].[CallDurationSeconds]) |
Inbound Count | Sum | SUM({[Direction].[Direction].[1]} * [Measures].[cicinteractionsummary Count]) |
Interaction Count | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[cicinteractionsummary Count]) |
Inbound External | Sum | SUM({[ConnectionType].[ConnectionType].[1]} * [Measures].[Inbound Count]) |
Inbound Intercom | Sum | SUM({[ConnectionType].[ConnectionType].[2]} * [Measures].[Inbound Count]) |
Interaction Duration | Sum | SUM({} * [Measures].[CallDurationSeconds]) |
Outbound Count | Sum | SUM({[Direction].[Direction].[2]} * [Measures].[cicinteractionsummary Count]) |
Outbound Duration | Sum | SUM({[Direction].[Direction].[2]} * [Measures].[CallDurationSeconds]) |
Outbound External | Sum | SUM({[ConnectionType].[ConnectionType].[1]} * [Measures].[Outbound Count]) |
Outbound Intercom | Sum | SUM({[ConnectionType].[ConnectionType].[2]} * [Measures].[Outbound Count]) |
Inbound Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Inbound Duration])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Inbound Count])) |
Interaction Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Interaction Duration])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Interaction Count])) |
Outbound Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Outbound Duration])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Outbound Count])) |
Inbound External % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Inbound External])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Interaction Count]))*100 |
Inbound Intercom % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Inbound Intercom])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Interaction Count]))*100 |
Outbound External % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Outbound External])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Interaction Count]))*100 |
Outbound Intercom % | Percentage | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Outbound Intercom])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Interaction Count]))*100 |
Index Count | Default | SUM({} * [Measures].[cicinteractionsummary Count]) |
Interaction Detail
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
Index Count | Default | SUM({} * [Measures].[cicinteractiondetail Count]) |
Wrapup Codes
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
eMite Measure Name (KPI) | Classification (KPI Group) | Measure Definition |
Index Count | Default | SUM({} * [Measures].[cicwrapupcodes Count]) |
Outbound Interactions | Sum | SUM({[Direction].[Direction].[2]} * [Measures].[Index Count]) |
Inbound Interactions | Sum | SUM({[Direction].[Direction].[1]} * [Measures].[Index Count]) |
Duration Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[tConnected])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Index Count])) |
Outbound Duration Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Outbound Duration])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Outbound Interactions])) |
Inbound Duration Avg | Avg | (SUM({} * [Measures].[Inbound Duration])/SUM({} * [Measures].[Inbound Interactions])) |
Outbound Duration | Sum | SUM({[Direction].[Direction].[2]} * [Measures].[tConnected]) |
Inbound Duration | Sum | SUM({[Direction].[Direction].[1]} * [Measures].[tConnected]) |