Cube Report (Datablocks)

Cube Report (Datablocks)

Overview / Description

Cube Report datablock allows you to visualize data in a two-dimensional form - either graphically or within a table. It also allows you to configure reports that can be visualized within other datablocks, like Status datablock.

Common Use Case

Cube Report datablock is commonly used for reporting on multiple measures in the same datablock.

Add Cube Report to a Page

1. Select the page where you want to add a datablock. In this example, Training Demo page is selected.

2. From Edit Page menu, select Add Content.

The Add Content setting will display.

3. Input the number of datablocks you want to add to the page, then click Add.

The Select Datablock sub-setting will display.

4. Select Cube Report from the datablock options.

5. Update the Report Set, Report Name, Datablock Title, and Datablock Style accordingly.

6. Click Add.

The added datablock will display on the page.

7. Under Measures, select the index group and index from the dropdown options, then the measure you want to display from the collapsible options. Selection of multiple measures is supported.

In this example, the following are selected:

  • Index group: Emite

  • Index: queuehistory_emite

  • Measure: Custom Measures > %Answered

8. Under Y Axis(Series), select a series to the measure previously selected. In this example, Y Axis is not configured.

9. Under X Axis(Category), select a dimension to segment your data against.

In this example, the following is selected:

  • Dimension: QueueName

10. Under Filter, select inclusion/exclusion filters you want to apply to the report. In this example, Filter is not configured.

11. Under Options, set the series to sort by, sort, count, and linking options.

  • Series To Sort By - No option is selected by default. The dropdown list contains the selected measures.

  • Sort - The default value is None. Top/Bottom sorts the data in that order.

  • Count - The default value is 10. The number of displayed results depends on this value.

  • Dimension for linking - Specifies the date parameter that can be controlled by the date picker datablock.

In this example, the following are selected:

  • Series To Sort By: %Answered

  • Sort: None

  • Count: 10

  • Dimension for linking: LinkedDate

12. Click Preview to view the report.

The report will display according to the selected settings.

You can still change the report name and report set before the report is saved.

13. Click Save and Exit.

Once the report has been saved and created, the report will display without the settings.

14. Under Edit Page menu, select Save Page to save the datablock in the page.

Once the changes have been saved, a success message will display on the top right corner of the screen.

Once a report is created within a report set, if you delete the cube report datablock from the dashboard page, the report configuration remains available in the report set and can be reused next time when creating a cube report, or even when using a status or gauge datablock.

Cube Report UI Controls


Grid/Chart changes the cube report display between grid and chart.

Change Type

Change Type allows you to modify the chart’s formatting and threshold settings.

Chart Type - Select different chart type under Chart Type.

Style - Set different formatting settings under Style, like font, font size, font color, alignment, legend and label settings, etc.

Sorting - Arrange the chart data display under Sorting.

Threshold Rule - Create a threshold rule and set a format for it as indicator under Threshold Rule.

Y Axis Setting - Update y-axis format, label, thresholds, etc. under Y Axis Setting.


New Report

New Report allows you to create and select new report set, measures, series, and dimensions to display on the cube report.

Edit Report

Edit Report allows you to edit/modify the cube report. Click Save and Exit after updating, or click Exit if no changes are made on the cube report.


To learn more about the other cube report UI controls, go to UI Controls.

Cube Report Examples

Example 1: Line and Area Spline

In this cube report are plotting data in line and area spline.

  • X-Axis - Date

  • Y-Axis - Grade of Service, Calls Waiting

  • Chart Type - Spline


Example 2: Stacked Column

In this report we are trying to display total calls offered/abandoned by hour.

  • X-Axis - Hour of the day

  • Y-Axis - Calls Offered and Abandoned

  • Chart Type - Stacked Column

  • Colors - Go to Y-Axis setting. For each Y-axis parameter, go to Column and select any RGB color value.



Example 3: Pie Chart

  • X-Axis - Call Segment

  • Dimension for linking - Date

  • Chart Type - Pie

  • Colors - Gradations for each segment is set up in Chart setting

  • Legends - via Chart Type Style


Example 4: Grid View

  • Measures - Column names

  • X-Axis - Date

This could also be achieved by selecting Y-Axis. In this example, the 1st column is X-Axis and other columns can be from Y-Axis.

Date Dimensions in a Cube Report

eMite supports several date dimensions when creating a cube report. Few examples are Date, Hour, and Day of Week.
Version 7.1.0 will introduce new sub-dimensions, which will be explained in the following chapters.


Minutes members are a range of integers - from 0 to 59.

Select this option under the date dimension that you want to report upon.


Seconds, much like Minutes, have their members represented as a range of integers - from 0 to 59.

Select this option under the date dimension that you want to report upon.

Minutes and Seconds

Our dashboards now also support minutes and seconds combined in a single dimension. The format is “MM SS”.

This sub-dimension yields a massive amount of data. It is advised/required to use filters for this date dimension.

Full Date and Time

The latest version comes with the support of full date-time dimension.

The format is “dd-MM-yyyy hhhmmmsss”.