HOW TO: Share a Dashboard Page/s to Multiple User Accounts

Overview / Description

In most contact center situations, it is necessary to share dashboard pages with multiple user accounts and domains. It is not always feasible to do this on a one-to-one basis with individual users, and in order to make this more scalable, eMite offers you the broadcast and sharing functionality. This will enable you to share dashboard pages with multiple accounts quickly and easily. It also enables you to control the permissions of the recipients for the shared dashboard.
Within eMite, you have multiple option to suit your needs which are described below.


The following articles offer supporting knowledge and it is advised to familiarize yourself with these to fully understand this function.

This guide will help you manage the sharing and broadcasting of reports to suit most requirements in the modern contact center environment and to ensure that the right information is provided to the right people.
If you do have any questions, please let us know by emailing us at and we will always be available to help you.

Share Dashboard Page/s Across All Users

The following account have already been created for you upon your eMite instance provision:

  • clientname_default_broadcaster: Broadcasts to all users

  • clientname_dashboardcreator_broadcaster: Automatically broadcasts to the user accounts in the dashboard creator domain only

1. Under Manage menu, select Share Page.

The Manage Share screen will display.

2. Under Pages column, select the page/s you want to share.

3. Under Users column, select the user account/s you want to share the selected page/s with.
Tip: To easily search for a user account, enter the account name in filter user by field.

4. Click Share.

A success message will display indicating that the selected page/s have been shared with the selected user/s.

You can also unshare page/s from user account/s. Select the page/s and user account/s, then click Unshare.

Share Dashboard Page/s Across a Domain

It's not always suitable to share dashboard pages to everyone, so eMite offers the option of creating broadcasting accounts based on the domain.

This is the recommended functionality to use for sharing pages in bulk. This allows your broadcasting accounts to only share page/s to the domain/s associated with the broadcaster account.
You can see more information on user groups and domains in the eMite User Roles and Permission article.

1. Under User menu, select the account you wish to make as Broadcaster.
To request to create a new account, please contact us at

2. Under User menu, then select Settings. You need to have sufficient permissions to see this option.

clientname_dashboardcreator_broadcaster account can be used to share only to accounts associated with the dashboard creator domain.

The Settings screen will display.

3. Select Advanced tab.

4. Across Broadcast My Page, tick the domain/s (user groups) with whom you wish to share your dashboards.
If you belong to multiple domains, you can select one or more domains for granular control.

5. Click Ok to save the settings.

Share Types

In addition to sharing dashboards and broadcast, eMite also provides you control options over the Share type. You can find more detailed explanation on this function in the Share Page article.
This is useful when you wish to share only specific dashboards you have created from your own account via a broadcaster.

The available share types are:

  • Read Only - Shares your dashboard in a read only mode. You can edit the dashboard, but the recipient cannot.

  • Duplicate - Shares a new copy your dashboard, enabling the recipient to edit their copy only

  • Collaborate - Shares a single version of the dashboard where all recipients, including the originator, can collaboratively develop their dashboard.

Other Reference - eMite Youtube

You can also check out Page Sharing lifehack video in our eMite Youtube channel.