Genesys Cloud Data Dictionary

Genesys Cloud Data Dictionary


The eMite RTBI Engine maps data against a virtual multidimensional array. For data that has been onboarded into Elasticsearch data storage, each field is defined as either a Measure or Dimension.
These are called Predefined fields since the data reflects Genesys Cloud’s own metrics and dimensions, and relies on the definitions put in place by Genesys.

More details for PureCloud metric definitions can be found at the Genesys Cloud Developer Center here.

Additionally, the eMite RTBI engine allows for the creation of custom Measures and Dimensions. These include KPIs, Calculated Measures, Grouped Members, and Virtual Members.
These Custom fields do not exist in the data storage. Instead, these can be considered pre-sliced or pre-filtered fields where a specific definition has been configured in the eMite KPI Management.

This data dictionary includes both Predefined and Custom definitions.

Index Summary

Each Index is populated with data from a particular Genesys Cloud API endpoint. This will determine the data types and granularity, as well as the measures and dimensions which will be included in the index.

Some indexes - such as Workforce Management and Quality Evaluations - will only be available where the equivalent module has been configured and enabled in Genesys Cloud.

The Data Perspective indicates whether the Genesys API returns observations data, aggregated data, or detailed records. For aggregated data, this also indicates the interval by which the data is aggregated in the API response.

More details on Genesys Data Perspectives can be found at the Genesys Cloud Developer Center here.

The default data retention period for all indexes is set at 90 days. Please reach out to your eMite account team should you require a larger retention period configured.

API to Index Mapping

eMite Index

Primary API Endpoint

Data Perspective

Index Description

Polling Frequency

eMite Index

Primary API Endpoint

Data Perspective

Index Description

Polling Frequency

Adherence Day Metrics


Aggregates, 1 day interval

Historical adherence reports (Today)

Every 1 Hour

Adherence Exceptions


Aggregates, 1 day interval

User Schedule reports (Today)

Every 1 Hour

Adherence Day Metrics‡


Aggregates, 1 day interval

Historical adherence reports (60 Day Lookback)

Every 1 Day

Adherence Exceptions‡


Aggregates, 1 day interval

User Schedule reports (60 Day Lookback)

Every 1 Day

Agent History


Aggregates, 30 minute interval

Aggregate metrics for interactions, grouped by Agent

Every 5 Minutes

Agent Observations



Current data for users

Every 10 Seconds

Agent Presence History


Aggregates, 30 minute interval

High-level summary of user activity

Every 1 Hour

Agent State History


Detail Records

User activity data at the individual status-change level

Every 5 Minutes

Call Segments


Detail Records

Audit style records for interactions

Every 5 Minutes

Call Conversation History †


Detail Records

Call Segment data as above, filtered by voice & callback


Chat Conversation History †


Detail Records

Call Segment data as above, filtered by chat




Detail Records

Conversation Recordings details

Every 1 day



Detail Records

Voice quality of Conversations

Every 1 day

Email Conversation History †


Detail Records

Call Segment data as above, filtered by email


Queue History


Aggregates, 30 minute interval

Aggregate metrics for interactions, grouped by Queue

Every 5 Minutes

Queue Skills History


Aggregates, 30 minute interval

Aggregate metrics for interactions, including Skill & Language data

Every 5 Minutes

Queue Observations



Current data for queues

Every 10 Seconds

Campaign History


Detail Records

Outbound campaign overview

Every 5 Minutes

Campaign Interactions


Detail Records

Outbound campaign interaction details

Every 5 Minutes

Campaign Progress


Detail Records

Outbound campaign progress overview

Every 5 Minutes

Campaign Stats



** Deprecated Index **

Every 5 Minutes

Campaign Status


Detail Records

Outbound campaign interaction overview

Every 5 Minutes

Contact List Stats


Detail Records

Contact List details

Every 1 Day

Quality Evaluations †


Aggregates, 30 minute interval

Aggregated metrics for evaluations


Quality Evaluations Detailed †


Detail Records

Evaluations scores by question


Quality History Agent


Aggregates, 30 minute interval

Evaluations data by user

Every 1 Hour

Quality History Queue


Aggregates, 30 minute interval

Evaluations data by queue

Every 1 Hour

Quality History Raw


Detail Records

Evaluation scores by question

Every 1 Hour

Wrapup Codes History


Aggregates, 30 minute interval

Aggregate metrics for interactions, grouped by Wrap-up Codes

Every 5 Minutes

† Index in Beta

‡ A single query is used for both Adherence indexes, however there are two separate schedules in place with different lookback periods.

Measure Definitions

There are a number of Predefined Measures in eMite indexes which are mapped directly to Genesys Cloud metrics. Since these exist as base-level metrics in Genesys Cloud, there is no data manipulation or calculation to arrive at these values.

A small number of common measures, such as Average Speed of Answer or Service Level %, are not provided as metrics and must be calculated as Custom Measures using eMite KPI Management. These Custom Measures are calculated using the definitions outlined in the Genesys Resource Center.

Predefined Measures

The predefined measures in Genesys Cloud are grouped according to their data perspective (observations, aggregates, or detail records) and type (user status, conversation, flow, etc.)
Some measures in each data perspective type may be relevant to multiple eMite indexes.

For example, the measures from Conversation Aggregates can be grouped by either agent or queue, so many of these predefined measures appear in both Agent History and Queue History indexes.

The following tables include the naming & definitions for predefined measures and the eMite Index where these measures can be found, as well as the alias naming used for these measures. The metric name matches the naming used in the Genesys APIs, while the Alias name matches the naming used in the Genesys Cloud Interface.

More information about metric categorization in the Genesys APIs can be found at the Genesys Developer Center.


Conversation Aggregate Measures

These measures generally include historical data for both agents and queues.

Alias Name

Metric Name

Genesys Definition

eMite Indexes

Alias Name

Metric Name

Genesys Definition

eMite Indexes

Blind Transfer

nBlindTransferred Count

The number of interactions that were blind transferred.

Agent History


nConnected Count

The number of connected customer sessions.

Queue History


nConsult Count

The number of interactions where an agent consulted another agent.

Agent History, Queue History

Consult Transfer

nConsultTransferred Count

The number of interactions that were transferred as part of a consult.

Queue History


nError Count

The number of active sessions aborted due to an Edge or adapter error event.

Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


nOffered Count

The number of interactions offered to a queue by an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD).

Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


nOutbound Count

The number of outbound conversations placed on behalf of a queue.

Queue History

Outbound Abandon

nOutboundAbandoned Count

The number of outbound dialer calls that were abandoned.

Agent History, Wrapup Codes History

Outbound Attempt

nOutboundAttempted Count

The number of outbound dialer calls attempted.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Outbound Connect

nOutboundConnected Count

The number of outbound dialer calls that connected.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Over SLA

nOverSLA Count

The number of answered interactions that were over the SLA threshold.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

State Transition Error

nStateTransition Error

The number of errors caused by Edge clock skew.

Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


nTransferred Count

The number of interactions transferred. This includes blind and consult transfers.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Service Level Numerator

oServiceLevel Numerator

The numerator for service level calculation for a queue.

Queue History

Service Level Denominator

oServiceLevel Denominator

The denominator for service level calculation for a queue.

Queue History


tAbandon Count

The number of times before an end user abandoned an interaction in a queue.

Queue History

Max Abandon

tAbandon Max

The maximum amount of time before an end user abandoned an interaction in a queue.

Queue History

Min Abandon

tAbandon Min

The minimum amount of time before an end user abandoned an interaction in a queue.

Queue History

Total Abandon

tAbandon Sum

The total amount of time before an end user abandoned an interaction in a queue.

Queue History

After-call Work

tAcw Count

The number of times in after call work.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


tAcw Max

The maximum time spent in after call work.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


tAcw Min

The minimum time spent in after call work.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total ACW

tAcw Sum

The amount of time spent in after call work.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Agent Response

tAgentResponseTime Count

The number of times the user spent waiting for a response from the agent.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Max Agent Response Time

tAgentResponseTime Max

The maximum time the user spent waiting for a response from the agent.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Min Agent Response Time

tAgentResponseTime Min

The minimum time the user spent waiting for a response from the agent.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total Agent Response Time

tAgentResponseTime Sum

The amount of time the user spent waiting for a response from the agent.

Agent History, Queue History


tAlert Count

The number of times an agent was being alerted.

Agent History, Queue History

Max Alert Time

tAlert Max

The maximum time an agent was being alerted.

Agent History, Queue History

Min Alert Time

tAlert Min

The minimum time an agent was being alerted.

Agent History, Queue History

Total Alert

tAlert Sum

The time an agent was being alerted.

Agent History, Queue History


tAnswered Count

The number of times an interaction waited to be connected to an agent.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Max Answer Time

tAnswered Max

The maximum amount of time an interaction waited to be connected to an agent.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Min Answer Time

tAnswered Min

The minimum amount of time an interaction waited to be connected to an agent.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total Answer Time

tAnswered Sum

The total amount of time an interaction waited to be connected to an agent.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


tContacting Count

The number of times that a connection was established with your station on an outbound call.

Agent History

Max Contacting Time

tContacting Max

The maximum time that it takes to establish a connection with your station on an outbound call.

Agent History

Min Contacting Time

tContacting Min

The minimum time that it takes to establish a connection with your station on an outbound call.

Agent History

Total Contacting

tContacting Sum

The time that it takes to establish a connection with your station on an outbound call.

Agent History


tDialing Count

The number of times an agent spent dialing.

Agent History

Max Dialing Time

tDialing Max

The maximum time an agent spent dialing.

Agent History

Min Dialing Time

tDialing Min

The minimum time an agent spent dialing.

Agent History

Total Dialing

tDialing Sum

The time an agent spent dialing.

Agent History


tFlowout Count

The amount of time before an interaction was transferred out of a queue (and not answered by an agent).

Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Max Flow-Out Time

tFlowout Max

The maximum amount of time before an interaction was transferred out of a queue (and not answered by an agent).

Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Min Flow-Out Time

tFlowout Min

The minimum amount of time before an interaction was transferred out of a queue (and not answered by an agent).

Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total Flow-Out Time

tFlowout Sum

The total time before an interaction was transferred out of a queue (and not answered by an agent).

Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


tHandle Count

The number of times an agent spent on an interaction, includes time spent contacting, time spent dialing, talk time, hold time, and after call work.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Max Handle Time

tHandle Max

The maximum complete time an agent spent on an interaction, includes time spent contacting, time spent dialing, talk time, hold time, and after call work.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Min Handle Time

tHandle Min

The minimum complete time an agent spent on an interaction, includes time spent contacting, time spent dialing, talk time, hold time, and after call work.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total Handle

tHandle Sum

The total complete time an agent spent on an interaction, includes time spent contacting, time spent dialing, talk time, hold time, and after call work.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Hold Segments

tHeld Count

The number of times an interaction was placed on hold.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Max Hold Segments Time

tHeld Max

The maximum amount of time an interaction was placed on hold.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Min Hold Segments Time

tHeld Min

The minimum amount of time an interaction was placed on hold.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total Hold Segments Time

tHeld Sum

The total amount of time an interaction was placed on hold.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


tHeldComplete Count

The count of overall hold time for an interaction.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Max Hold Time

tHeldComplete Max

The maximum overall hold time for an interaction.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Min Hold Time

tHeldComplete Min

The minimum overall hold time for an interaction.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total Hold Time

tHeldComplete Sum

The total overall hold time for an interaction.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


tIvr Count

The number of times spent in IVR.

Queue History


tIvr Max

The maximum amount of time spent in IVR.

Queue History


tIvr Min

The minimum amount of time spent in IVR.

Queue History

Total IVR

tIvr Sum

The total amount of time spent in IVR.

Queue History


tMonitoring Count

The number of times spent monitoring an interaction.

Agent History

Max Monitoring Time

tMonitoring Max

The maximum time spent monitoring an interaction.

Agent History

Min Monitoring Time

tMonitoring Min

The minimum time spent monitoring an interaction.

Agent History

Total Monitoring Time

tMonitoring Sum

The total time spent monitoring an interaction.

Agent History

Not Responding

tNotResponding Count

The number of times an agent was being alerted without responding to a queue conversation.

Agent History

Max Not Responding Time

tNotResponding Max

The maximum time an agent was being alerted without responding to a queue conversation.

Agent History

Min Not Responding Time

tNotResponding Min

The minimum time an agent was being alerted without responding to a queue conversation.

Agent History

Total Not Responding Time

tNotResponding Sum

The total time an agent was being alerted without responding to a queue conversation.

Agent History

Short Abandon

tShortAbandon Count

Subset of tAbandon with a duration under the short abandon threshold.

Queue History

Max Short Abandon Time

tShortAbandon Max

Subset of tAbandon with a duration under the short abandon threshold.

Queue History

Min Short Abandon Time

tShortAbandon Min

Subset of tAbandon with a duration under the short abandon threshold.

Queue History

Total Short Abandon Time

tShortAbandon Sum

Subset of tAbandon with a duration under the short abandon threshold.

Queue History

Talk Segments

tTalk Count

The number of times an agent spent talking/interacting.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Max Talk Segments Time

tTalk Max

The maximum amount of time an agent spent talking/interacting.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Min Talk Segments Time

tTalk Min

The minimum amount of time an agent spent talking/interacting.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total Talk Segments Time

tTalk Sum

The total amount of time an agent spent talking/interacting.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History


tTalkComplete Count

The number of times an agent spent talking/interacting.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Max Talk

tTalkComplete Max

The maximum overall time an agent spent talking/interacting.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Min Talk

tTalkComplete Min

The minimum overall time an agent spent talking/interacting.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

Total Talk

tTalkComplete Sum

The total overall time an agent spent talking/interacting.

Agent History, Queue History, Wrapup Codes History

User Response

tUserResponse Count

The amount of time spent waiting for an end user response.

Queue History

Max User Response Time

tUserResponse Max

The amount of time spent waiting for an end user response.

Queue History

Min User Response Time

tUserResponse Min

The amount of time spent waiting for an end user response.

Queue History

Total User Response Time

tUserResponse Sum

The amount of time spent waiting for an end user response.

Queue History


tVoicemail Count

The amount of time spent in voicemail.

Agent History, Queue History

Max Voicemail Time

tVoicemail Max

The amount of time spent in voicemail.

Agent History, Queue History

Min Voicemail Time

tVoicemail Min

The amount of time spent in voicemail.

Agent History, Queue History

Total Voicemail Time

tVoicemail Sum

The amount of time spent in voicemail.

Agent History, Queue History


tWait Count

The number of times spent waiting in queue before an interaction was answered, abandoned, or flowed out of queue.

Queue History

Max Wait

tWait Max

The maximum amount of time spent waiting in queue before an interaction was answered, abandoned, or flowed out of queue.

Queue History

Min Wait

tWait Min

The minimum amount of time spent waiting in queue before an interaction was answered, abandoned, or flowed out of queue.

Queue History

Total Wait

tWait Sum

The total amount of time spent waiting in queue before an interaction was answered, abandoned, or flowed out of queue.

Queue History

† These measures are planned to be included soon.


User Aggregate Measures

Alias Name

Metric Name

Genesys Definition

eMite Indexes

Alias Name

Metric Name

Genesys Definition

eMite Indexes

Routing Status Time

tAgentRoutingStatus Sum

The amount of time an agent spent in a given routing status, such as interacting, idle, or not responding.

Agent Presence History

Organization Presence Time

tOrganizationPresence Sum

The amount of time spent in a user-defined status setting, such as "lunch at desk" or "writing emails".

Agent Presence History

System Presence Time

tSystemPresence Sum

The amount of time a user spent in a given PureCloud status (such as available or busy).

Agent Presence History


Evaluation Aggregate Measures

Alias Name

Metric Name

Genesys Definition

eMite Indexes

Alias Name

Metric Name

Genesys Definition

eMite Indexes



Total number of evaluations

Quality History Agent, Quality History Queue

Evaluations Deleted


Total number of evaluations that have been deleted


Evaluations Rescored


Total number of evaluations that have been rescored


Critical Score Count


Total number of critical scores of the evaluation

Quality History Agent, Quality History Queue

Total Critical Score


Total critical score of the evaluation

Quality History Agent, Quality History Queue

Score Count


Total number of scores of the evaluation

Quality History Agent, Quality History Queue

Total Score


Total score of the evaluation

Quality History Agent, Quality History Queue


Legacy Measure Definitions

This table includes all legacy names, aliases, and definitions for predefined measures.

eMite Measure

Genesys Metric Name


Genesys Metric Definition

eMite Index

eMite Measure

Genesys Metric Name


Genesys Metric Definition

eMite Index

nError Count

nError Count


The number of active sessions aborted due to an Edge or adapter error event.

Agent History, Queue History, Queue Skills History, WrapUp Codes History

nOffered Count

nOffered Count


The number of interactions offered to a queue by an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD).

Queue History, Queue Skills History

nOutboundAbandoned Count

nOutboundAbandoned Count


The number of outbound dialer calls that were abandoned.

Queue History, Queue Skills History

nOutboundAttempted Count

nOutboundAttempted Count


The number of oubound calls attempted.

Agent History, Queue History, Queue Skills History

nOutboundConnected Count

nOutboundConnected Count


The number of outbound calls that connected.

Agent History, Queue History, Queue Skills History

nOverSla Count

nOverSla Count


The number of answered interactions that were over the SLA threshold.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory

nStateTransitionError Count

nStateTransitionError Count


The number of errors caused by Edge clock skew.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory

nTransferred Count

nTransferred Count


The number of interactions transferred. This includes blind and consult transfers.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAcd Count

tAcd Count


The amount of time an Automatic Call Distributor (ACD) was involved in an interaction.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAcd Max

tAcd Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAcd Min

tAcd Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAcd Time

tAcd Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAcw Count

tAcw Count


The amount of time spent in after call work.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tAcw Max

tAcw Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tAcw Min

tAcw Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tAcw Time

tAcw Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tAgentResponse Count

tAgentResponseTime Count


The amount of time the user spent waiting for a response from the agent.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAgentResponse Max

tAgentResponseTime Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAgentResponse Min

tAgentResponseTime Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAgentResponse Time

tAgentResponseTime Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tAnswered Count

tAnswered Count


The amount of time an interaction waited to be connected to an agent.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tAnswered Max

tAnswered Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tAnswered Min

tAnswered Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tAnswered Time

tAnswered Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHandle Count

tHandle Count


The complete time an agent spent on an interaction, includes time spent contacting, time spent dialing, talk time, hold time, and after call work.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHandle Max

tHandle Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHandle Min

tHandle Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHandle Time

tHandle Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHeld Count

tHeld Count


The amount of time an interaction was placed on hold.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHeld Max

tHeld Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHeld Min

tHeld Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHeld Time

tHeld Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHeldComplete Count

tHeldComplete Count


The overall hold time for an interaction.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHeldComplete Max

tHeldComplete Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHeldComplete Min

tHeldComplete Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tHeldComplete Time

tHeldComplete Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tTalk Count

tTalk Count


Time an agent spent talking/interacting.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tTalk Max

tTalk Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tTalk Min

tTalk Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tTalk Time

tTalk Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tTalkComplete Count

tTalkComplete Count


The overall time an agent spent talking/interacting.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tTalkComplete Max

tTalkComplete Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tTalkComplete Min

tTalkComplete Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tTalkComplete Time

tTalkComplete Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tVoicemail Count

tVoicemail Count


The amount of time spent in voicemail.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tVoicemail Max

tVoicemail Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tVoicemail Min

tVoicemail Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tVoicemail Time

tVoicemail Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory

tWait Count

tWait Count


The amount of time a party waited; the sum of tAnswered and tAbandon.

AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tWait Max

tWait Max


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tWait Min

tWait Min


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tWait Time

tWait Sum


AgentHistory, QueueHistory, WrapUpCodesHistory

tAgentRoutingStatus Time

tAgentRoutingStatus Sum


The amount of time an agent spent in a given routing status, such as interacting, idle, or not responding.


tOrganizationPresence Time

tOrganizationPresence Sum


The amount of time spent in a user-defined status setting, such as "lunch at desk" or "writing emails".


tAbandon Count

tAbandon Count


The amount of time before an end user abandoned an interaction in a queue.


tAbandon Max

tAbandon Max



tAbandon Min

tAbandon Min



tAbandon Time

tAbandon Sum



tIvr Count

tIvr Count


The amount of time spent in IVR.


tIvr Max

tIvr Max



tIvr Min

tIvr Min



tIvr Time

tIvr Sum



tUserResponse Count

tUserResponseTime Count


The amount of time spent waiting for an end user response.


tUserResponse Max

tUserResponseTime Max



tUserResponse Min

tUserResponseTime Min



tUserResponse Sum

tUserResponseTime Sum



tLongAbandon Count

tLongAbandon Count




tLongAbandon Max

tLongAbandon Max



tLongAbandon Min

tLongAbandon Min



tLongAbandon Time

tLongAbandon Time



tShortAbandon Count

tShortAbandon Count




tShortAbandon Max

tShortAbandon Max



tShortAbandon Min

tShortAbandon Min



tShortAbandon Time

tShortAbandon Time



tFlowout Count

tFlowout Count


The amount of time before an interaction was transferred out of a queue (and not answered by an agent).


tFlowout Time

tFlowout Sum




oInteracting Count


Observed number of current users interacting on PureCloud.



oWaiting Count


Observed number of interactions waiting in a queue.


ActiveAgents Count





MemberUsers Count





OffQueueAgents Count





OnQueueAgents Count





OnQueueAgents Idle Count





OnQueueAgents Interacting Count





OnQueueAgents Not Responding Count





Adherence Percentage





AdherencePercentage Sum









ConformancePercentage Sum




Exception Count





ExceptionTime AVG





ExceptionTime SUM




tAgentRoutingStatus Time





tOrganizationPresence Time





Status Duration Time





Status Duration Minimum Time




Abandon Rate





Abandon Rate Max




Abandon Rate Min




Abandon Rate Sum



CampaignInteractions, CampaignProgress, CampaignStats, CampaignStatus

Attempts Count





Attempts Min




Attempts Max




Attempts Sum



CampaignInteractions, CampaignStats, CampaignStatus

Calls Per Agent Count





Calls Per Agent Min




Calls Per Agent Max




Calls Per Agent Sum



CampaignInteractions, CampaignStats, CampaignStatus

Connection Ratio





ConnectRatio Sum



CampaignInteractions, CampaignStatus

Connects Count





Connects Min




Connects Max




Connects Sum



CampaignInteractions, CampaignStats, CampaignStatus

Idle Agent Count





Idle Agent Min




Idle Agent Max




Idle Agent Sum



CampaignInteractions, CampaignStats, CampaignStatus

Outstanding Call Count





Outstanding Call Min




Outstanding Call Max




Outstanding Call Sum



CampaignInteractions, CampaignStats, CampaignStatus

Percentage Avg





Percentage Sum




Priority Avg





Priority Sum




Size Avg





Size Sum




TotalNumberOfContacts Avg





TotalNumberOfContacts Sum




Contacted Max





Contacted Min




Contacted Sum









ContactListCount Avg




ContactListCount Sum




Number of Times Connected





Number of Times Connected Min




Number of Times Connected Max




AnswersTotalScore Avg





AnswersTotalScore Sum




AnswersTotalCriticalScore Avg





AnswersTotalCriticalScore Sum




AnswerScore Avg





AnswerScore Sum




NevaluationsCount Avg




QualityHistoryAgent, QualityHistoryQueue

NevaluationsCount Sum



QualityHistoryAgent, QualityHistoryQueue

Total Score Avg




QualityHistoryAgent, QualityHistoryQueue

Total Score Min




Total Score Max




Total Score Sum



QualityHistoryAgent, QualityHistoryQueue

Critical Score Avg




QualityHistoryAgent, QualityHistoryQueue

Critical Score Min




Critical Score Max




Critical Score Sum



QualityHistoryAgent, QualityHistoryQueue

Critical Score Unweighted Avg





Critical Score Unweighted Sum




Total Score Unweighted Avg





Total Score Unweighted Sum




Question Group Scores Total Score Avg





Question Group Scores Total Score Sum




Question Group Scores Total Critical Score Avg





Question Group Scores Total Critical Score Sum





Custom Measures

Some Indexes also include a number of measures which have been created by eMite as either a Custom Measure (KPI), Calculated Measure, or Virtual Member.


Agent History

eMite Measure Name


eMite Measure Definition

eMite Measure Name


eMite Measure Definition

% Answered

Custom Measures

( [Predefined Measures].[tAnswered Count] /  [Predefined Measures].[tAlert Count] ) * 100

% Transferred

Custom Measures

( [Predefined Measures].[nTransferred Count] / [Predefined Measures].[tAnswered Count] ) * 100

Average ACW time

Custom Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tAcw Time] / [Predefined Measures].[tAcw Count]

Average Handle time

Custom Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tHandle Time] / [Predefined Measures].[tHandle Count]

Average Hold Complete time

Custom Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tHeldComplete Time] / [Predefined Measures].[tHeldComplete Count]

Average Talk Complete time

Custom Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tTalkComplete Time] / [Predefined Measures].[tTalkComplete Count]

Last Week Alert Count

Trend Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tAlert Count] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@LastWeek

Last Week Complete Talk time

Trend Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tTalkComplete Time] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@LastWeek

This Week Alert Count

Trend Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tAlert Count] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek

This Week Complete Talk time

Trend Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tTalkComplete Time] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@ThisWeek

Today ACW Max

Trend Measures

[Predefined Measures].[tAcw Max] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today

Today Average Hold Complete time

Trend Measures

[Custom Measures].[Average Hold Complete time] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[LinkedDate].[Date]=@Today


Agent Observations

eMite Measure Name


Measure Definition

eMite Measure Name


Measure Definition

Routing On Queue

Custom Measures

SUM({[RoutingStatus].[RoutingStatus].[Idle],[RoutingStatus].[RoutingStatus].[Interacting],[RoutingStatus].[RoutingStatus].[Not_Responding]} * [Measures].[agentobservations_emite Count])

Routing Off Queue

Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [RoutingStatus.RoutingStatus.OffQueue]


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.Available]


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.Busy]


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.Idle] && [Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [RoutingStatus.RotingStatus.Idle] 


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.Meal]


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.Meeting]


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.Offline]

Org On Queue

Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.On Queue]


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.Away,Break,Busy,Meeting,Training,Idle]


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [Presence.Presence.Training]


Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [RoutingStatus.RoutingStatus.Interacting] 

Not Responding

Custom Measures

[Measures.agentobservations_emite Count], FILTER [RoutingStatus.RoutingStatus.NotResponding] 


Custom Measures

[ Measures.Default.agentobservations_emite Count ], FILTER [Presence.Presence.On Queue] && [Call.call.false] && [Chat.chat.false] && [Email.email.false]


Call Segments

eMite Measure Name


eMite Measure Definition

eMite Measure Name


eMite Measure Definition

% ACD Disconnected

Custom Measures

( [Custom Measures].[ACD Disconnected Count] / [Custom Measures].[ACD Offered Count] ) * 100

% Ivr to Acd

Custom Measures

( [Custom Measures].[ACD Offered Count] / [Custom Measures].[IVR Offered Count] ) * 100

% System to Ivr

Custom Measures

( [Custom Measures].[IVR Offered Count] / [Custom Measures].[System Offered Count] ) * 100

ACD Disconnect 000-030

Custom Measures

[Custom Measures].[ACD Disconnected Count] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[SegmentTimeBucket].[000 - 030 seconds]

ACD Disconnect 030-060

Custom Measures

[Custom Measures].[ACD Disconnected Count] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[SegmentTimeBucket].[030 - 060 seconds]

ACD Disconnect 060-120

Custom Measures

[Custom Measures].[ACD Disconnected Count] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[SegmentTimeBucket].[060 - 120 seconds]

ACD Disconnect 120-300

Custom Measures

[Custom Measures].[ACD Disconnected Count] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[SegmentTimeBucket].[120 - 300 seconds]

ACD Disconnect 300-3600

Custom Measures

[Custom Measures].[ACD Disconnected Count] FILTERED BY [Dimensions].[SegmentTimeBucket].[300 - 3600 seconds]

ACD Disconnected Count

Custom Measures

[Predefined Measures].[Default callsegments Count] FILTERED BY ( [Dimensions].[Purpose].[Acd] AND [Dimensions].[SegmentType].[Interact] AND [Dimensions].[direction].[inbound] AND [Dimensions].[DisconnectType].[Peer] )

ACD Offered Count

Custom Measures

( [Custom Measures].[IVR Offered Count] - [Custom Measures].[ACD Disconnected Count]

IVR Disconnected Count

Custom Measures

[Predefined Measures].[Default callsegments Count] FILTERED BY ( [Dimensions].[Purpose].[Ivr] AND [Dimensions].[SegmentType].[Ivr] AND [Dimensions].[direction].[inbound] AND ([Dimensions].[DisconnectType].[Peer] OR [System]) )

IVR Offered Count

Custom Measures

( [Custom Measures].[System Offered Count] - [Custom Measures].[IVR Disconnected Count]

System Offered Count

Custom Measures

[Predefined Measures].[Default callsegments Count] FILTERED BY ( ([Dimensions].[Purpose].[Customer] OR [External]) AND [Dimensions].[SegmentType].[System] AND [Dimensions].[direction].[inbound] )


Queue History

eMite Measure Name


Measure Definition

PureCloud Definition

eMite Measure Name


Measure Definition

PureCloud Definition

% Abandoned for nOffered

Custom Measures

( `[Predefined Measures].[tAbandon Count ] / [ Predefined Measures].[nOffered Count ] ) * 100

Calculated by: (Abandoned Count / Offered Count) * 100

% Answered for nOffered

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] / [ Predefined Measures.nOffered Count ] ) * 100


% Transferred for tHandle

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.nTransferred Count ] / [ Predefined Measures.tHandle Count ] ) * 100


Average ACW time

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measure.tACW Sum ] / [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] )

Calculated by: Total ACW / Interactions

Average answered count

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] / [ Predefined Measures.tWait Count ] )


Average handle time

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measure.tHandle Sum ] / [ Predefined Measures.tHandle Count ] )


Average hold time

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measure.tHeldComplete Sum ] / [ Predefined  Measures.tHeldComplete Count ] )

Calculated by: Total Hold Time / Count of interactions with holds

Average speed of answer

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measure.tAnswered Sum ] / [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] )

Calculated by: Total Time to Answer / Number Answered

Average talk time

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measure.tTalkComplete Sum ] / [ Predefined Measures.tTalkComplete Count ] )

Calculated by: Total Talk time/ Count of interactions with Talk time

Average wait time

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measure.tWait Sum ] / [ Predefined Measures.tWait Count ] )

Calculated by: Total Wait Time / Interactions

Grade of Service

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Custom Measures.ServiceLevel Count ] / [ Custom Measures.Legacy tWait Count ] ) * 100

Calculated by: (Number of answered interactions - number of answered interactions that miss the service level target)/ (Number of answered interactions + number of abandoned interactions)*100

Legacy tWait Count

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] + [ Predefined Measures.tAbandon Count ] )


Legacy tWait Sum

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Sum ] + [ Predefined Measures.tAbandon Sum ] )


OutsideSLA Count

KPI / Custom Measures

( [Predefined Measures.nOverSla Count ] + [ Predefined Measures.tFlowout Count ] )


ServiceLevel Count

KPI / Custom Measures

( [Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] - [ Custom Measures.OutsideSLA Count ] )


Simple Grade of Service

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Custom Measures.UnderSLA Count ] / [ Predefined Measures.tWait Count ] )


UnderSLA Count

KPI / Custom Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] - [ Predefined Measures.nOverSLA Count ] )


Seconds to Minutes Conversion

KPI / Static Measures

60 (This is designed to be used as a multiplier for Advanced KPI creation)


Performance Score Value

KPI / Static Measures

5 (This is a placeholder value, designed to be used as a multiple for Advanced KPI creation)


7 Days Ago Abandoned Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 7 Days Abandoned Count ] - [ Trend Measures.Last 6 Days Abandoned Count ] )


7 Days Ago Answered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 7 Days Answered Count ] - [ Trend Measures.Last 6 Days Answered Count ] )


7 Days Age Answered Sum

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 7 Days Answered Sum ] - [ Trend Measures.Last 6 Days Answered Sum ] )


7 Days Ago ASA

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.7 Days Ago Answered Sum ] / [ Trend Measures.7 Days Ago Answered Count ] )


7 Days Ago Grade of Service

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.7 Days Ago Service Level Count ] / [ Trend Measures.7 Days Ago Legacy tWait Count ] ) * 100


7 Days Ago Handled Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 7 Days Handled Count ] - [ Trend Measures.Last 6 Days Handled Count ] )


7 Days Ago Legacy tWait Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.7 Days Ago Abandoned Count ] + [ Trend Measures.7 Days Ago Answered Count ] )


7 Days Ago Offered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 7 Days Offered Count ] - [ Trend Measures.Last 6 Days Offered Count ] )


7 Days Ago OutsideSLA Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 7 Days OutsideSLA Count ] - [ Trend Measures.Last 6 Days OutsideSLA Count ] )


7 Days Ago Performance Score

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 7 Days Performance Score ] - [ Trend Measures.Last 6 Days Performance Score ] )


7 Days Ago Service Level Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.7 Days Ago Answered Count ] - [ Trend Measures.7 Days Ago OutsideSLA Count ] )


Last 6 Days % Abandoned

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Abandoned ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days % Answered

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Answered ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days Abandoned Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAbandoned Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days Answered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days Answered Sum

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Sum ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days ASA

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Average speed of answer ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days Grade of Service

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Grade of Service ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days Handled Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tHandle Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days Offered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.nOffered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days OutsideSLA Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.nOverSLA Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days
+ [ Predefined Measures.tFlowout Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last6Days )


Last 6 Days Performance Score

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 6 Days Answered Count ] * [ Static Measures.Performance Score ] )


Last 7 Days % Abandoned

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Abandoned ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days % Answered

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Answered ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days Abandoned Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAbandoned Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days Answered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days Answered Sum

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Sum ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days ASA

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Average speed of answer ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days Average handle time

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Average handle time ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days Grade of Service

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Grade of Service ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days Handled Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tHandle Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days Offered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.nOffered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days OutsideSLA Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.nOverSLA Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days
+ [ Predefined Measures.tFlowout Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Last7Days )


Last 7 Days Performance Score

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Last 7 Days Answered Count ]
* [ Static Measures.Performance Score ] )


Today % Abandoned

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Abandoned ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today % Answered

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Answered ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today Abandoned Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAbandoned Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today Answered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today ASA

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Average speed of answer ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today Average wait time

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Average wait time ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today Grade of Service

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Grade of Service ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today Handled Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tHandle Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today Max wait time

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tWait Max ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today Offered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.nOffered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Today )


Today Performance Score

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Today Answered Count ]
* [ Static Measures.Performance Score Value ] )


WTD % Abandoned

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Abandoned ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@ThisWeek )


WTD % Answered

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Answered ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@ThisWeek )


WTD Abandoned Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAbandoned Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@ThisWeek )


WTD Answered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@ThisWeek )



KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Average speed of answer ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@ThisWeek )


WTD Grade of Service

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Grade of Service ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@ThisWeek )


WTD Handled Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tHandle Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@ThisWeek )


WTD Offered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.nOffered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@ThisWeek )


WTD Performance Score

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.WTD Answered Count ]
* [ Static Measures.Performance Score Value ] )


Yesterday % Abandoned

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Abandoned ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Yesterday )


Yesterday % Answered

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.% Answered ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Yesterday )


Yesterday Abandoned Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAbandoned Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Yesterday )


Yesterday Answered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tAnswered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Yesterday )


Yesterday ASA

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Average speed of answer ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Yesterday )


Yesterday Grade of Service

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Custom Measures.Grade of Service ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Yesterday )


Yesterday Handled Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.tHandle Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Yesterday )


Yesterday Offered Count

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Predefined Measures.nOffered Count ] WHERE [ Filter.LinkedDate.Date ]=@Yesterday )


Yesterday Performance Score

KPI / Trend Measures

( [ Trend Measures.Yesterday Answered Count ] * [ Static Measures.Performance Score Value ] )



Queue Observations

eMite Measure Name


Measure Definition

PureCloud Definition

eMite Measure Name


Measure Definition

PureCloud Definition

Voice Interactions Waiting

Custom Measures

[ Predefined Measures.oWaiting ] WHERE  [ Dimensions.MediaType.Voice ]



Agent Presence History

eMite Measure Name


Measure Definition

PureCloud Definition

eMite Measure Name


Measure Definition

PureCloud Definition

Agent On Queue Time

Custom Measure

[ Predefined Measures.TorganizationpresenceSum] WHERE [Dimensions.OrganizationPresenceSubStatus.On Queue]

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