Snare Agents – Getting the Configuration File


Dec 02, 2016

To further investigate your issue, it is helpful if the Support team is provided with the agent configuration file. This file reflects the agent's settings.

Snare Agent for Windows

Start a command prompt on the machine where Snare is installed, as Administrator and change directory to your Snare installation (e.g. c:\Program Files\Snare).
Execute the following:

> snarecore -x my-config.inf (where my-config.inf is the name given to your file output)

Attach the output file to the support ticket.   

Snare Epilog for Windows

Start a command prompt on the machine where Epilog is installed, as Administrator and change directory to your Epilog installation (e.g. c:\Program Files\Epilog).
Execute the following:

> epilog -x my-config.inf (where my-config.inf is the name given to your file output)

Attach the output file to the support ticket.   

Snare Agent for MSSQL

Start a command prompt on the machine where Snare MSSQL is installed, as Administrator and change directory to your Snare MSSQL installation (e.g. c:\Program Files\SnareMSSQL).
Execute the following:

> snaremssql -x my-config.inf (where my-config.inf is the name given to your file output)

A message will appear Please enter the encryption password for sensitive information. Type in any password and provide this INF file and the password to the Support team when you log a ticket.