Is VMware Tools supported on the Snare Server?


Aug 09, 2016

Great news...from v7.1.0 of the Snare Server the open-vmware-tools package is installed!

For Snare Server pre v7.1.0, you may install VMware Tools on the Snare Server install.  VMware fully support the open-vmware-tools package. More information is available from the VMWare knowledge base at

How to install in Snare Server pre v7.1.0

  1. Connect to your Snare Server, by either logging into the console, or by using the ssh protocol.

  2. Log in as the 'snare' user.

  3. A login menu will appear - the last option on the menu will allow you to exit to the local shell. Choose that option.

  4. Download a compatible version of the open vmware tools package:

  5. Install the package
    sudo dpkg -i open-vm-tools_9.4.0-1280544-5ubuntu6_amd64.deb

  6. Your snare user password will be requested and required in order to install the package.

Please note that open-vm-tools is not included in pre-v7.1.0 Snare Server security and functionality updates. It is recommended that the administrator who installs packages such as open-vm-tools that are not supported by the InterSect Alliance team, monitors Ubuntu security bulletins for issues with the package that may necessitate updates.