In place upgrade (Install Wizard - Standalone Licensing)

In place upgrade (Install Wizard - Standalone Licensing)

In place upgrade (Install Wizard - Standalone Licensing) - Single system upgrades

  1. Download and run the installation media for the Snare Enterprise agent.

  2. When the installation wizard opens, select “Next” to continue.

  3. Accept the Enterprise agent EULA.

  4. You will then receive a popup stating that an “existing install” has been detected.


  5. Close the popup and select “Advanced” and click “Next” ( if you use the Quick install it will overwrite your existing settings with a default configuration so should not be used for updating existing systems, its designed for demo or quick evaluation purposes)

  6. Select “Keep the existing settings” and click “Next”

  7. Click “Next” at the “Ready to Install” option


  8. The agent will now be upgraded to the Snare Enterprise agent and maintain all existing settings from the previously installed SecureWorks agent.

  9. Access the agents web UI by browsing to “” and login using the username “snare” and your previously set password in the SecureWorks agent.

  10. On the left hand navigation menu, select “License”.

  11. Copy the all the KeyID lines to your clipboard.

  12. Login to the licensing and download portal Login (intersectalliance.com) and select “Licenses”->”My Licenses”.

  13. Select “Enter KeyIDs” against the license row you wish to allocate to this system and paste the KeyIDs into the popup.

  14. The license will now change to the “Generating” state, this may take up to a few minutes. Whilst waiting, assign a label to license row by pressing the “Add” option in the label column. Assign a unique ID that identifies the system this license is allocated to.

  15. Once the license has generated it will now show “Download”, download the license.

  16. Log back into the agent web UI and under the “License” page, paste the contents of the license file into the “Add License” textbox. Press “Add” to assign the license.

  17. The agent is now successfully licensed and fully operational.

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