Wizard Install

Double-click the downloaded file Snare-Epilog-Agent-v{Version}-multiarch.exe where {Version} is the most recent version of the file available. This is a self extracting archive, and will not require WinZip or other programs. You will be prompted with the following screens:

Welcome to the Snare Enterprise Epilog Setup Wizard


This screen provides a brief overview of the product you are about to install. Where available, select "Next" to continue the installation, "Back" to return to the previous screen or "Cancel" to abort the installation.

License Agreement


The License Page displays the End User License Agreement (EULA) for supported versions of the agent or the GNU General Public License (GPL) for the OpenSource release. Please read the document carefully and if you accept the terms of the agreement, select "I accept the agreement" and the "Next" button will be enabled allowing the installation to continue.

Existing Install (Upgrade only)


If the Wizard detects a previous install of the Snare agent, you will be asked how to proceed.

Selecting "Keep the existing settings" will leave the agent configuration intact and only update the Snare files. The Wizard will then skip directly to the Ready to Install screen.

Selecting "Reinstall" will allow the configuration wizard to continue and will replace your existing configuration with the values you input. Note that replacing the configuration does not happen immediately; it takes place after selecting the "Install" button on the Ready to Install screen (further down).


Service Account


The Snare agent requires a service account to operate. The default option is to use the in-built SYSTEM account.

Web User Interface

This screen provides a means to configure the Snare Agent's web interface for first time use.

Select from the following options to configure the Snare web interface:

  • Enable Web Access

Select this option to enable the web interface.

If the Enable Web Access option is NOT selected, all configuration changes will need to be made by directly modifying registry settings and the Epilog service will need to be restarted for any changes to take effect.

The following options may also be configured:

    • No – Disable password

The web interface will operate without a password, allowing unauthenticated access to the configuration options. We strongly recommend that this option is not used on production systems as it will leave the agent vulnerable to unauthorised access.

    • Yes – Please enter a password

A user and password combination will be required to access the web interface. The user is always "snare" and the password will be set to text supplied in the "Password" field. It is recommended that you use a strong complex password and it complies with your corporate policies.

  • Local access only?

Selecting this option will configure the web interface to restrict access to local users only. Remote users will be unable to contact the web interface. 

Select Destination Location



This screen provides a means to select the folder where the Snare Agent will be installed. If the folder name specified does not exist, it will be created. It is important that this folder has at least enough space available to install the agent.
By default, the installation wizard will install Snare under the Program Files folder. If a different destination is desired, one may be selected via the "Browse" button, or by typing the full path name directly into the box.

Select Start Menu Folder


Select the program group within the Start Menu under which a shortcut to Epilog's Remote Control Interface will be created

Ready to Install


This screen provides a final summary of the chosen installation options. If the options listed are incorrect, select the "Back" button to return to previous screens and change their configuration.
Select the "Install" button to proceed with the listed choices, or "Cancel" to abort the installation without making any changes. The "Back" button may be used to return to the previous screen.



This screen provides basic copyright information and last minute documentation which may not be included within this manual.

Completing the Snare Setup Wizard


This is the final screen of the installation wizard. By default, a Readme.txt file will be opened after selecting "Finish". Please review this readme for details of the changes made to the agent.