Objective Output pre v7.0.3

Once the Console has been configured and regenerated, you will see the following output, and options.

Snare Agents

The default tab to be displayed provides a summary of the managed Agents, grouped by status. Each agent is listed by its hostname with its current IP Address, Operating System, and Agent Version listed in grey. Agents marked with a * are non-reporting Agents.

The possible status groups are:

Agents matching the master configuration.

These Agents were online and their config perfectly matched the Master Configuration.

Agents with configuration different to the master configuration.

These Agents were online, but their config was found to be different to the Master Configuration.

Agents that cannot be contacted.

These Agents were either offline, configured with an unknown password, have an IP block active, or cannot be reached by the Snare Central Server.

Note: If an Agent is in this group, then there was no way to check the version string or Agent type. This means that Agents which would be ignored by these two filters may show up in here until they can be contacted successfully.

Agents ignored by version string filter.

These Agents were ignored because their version string did not match the specified version string in the configuration.

Agents ignored by hostname filter.

These Agents were ignored because their hostname did not match the specified hostname filter.

Agents ignored by type filter.

These Agents were ignored because they did not match the Agent Type selection (I.e. Snare Agent for Windows v4.1.0, etc).

Master Config

The Master Config tab provides the ability to specify the Agent that the Master Configuration is imported from. 

At the top is the Refresh Master Config option box. You can set it to either refresh the Agent Configuration from a custom IP Address or Hostname, or by selecting one of the managed Agents from the dropdown box. 

Once you select the Agent to retrieve the config from, click the Refresh Master Configuration button. The objective will retrieve the latest copy of the Master configuration. 

Note: Refreshing the Master Config does not compare the configuration with the managed Agents. To do this you need to run the Regenerate option again.  

Also note: The Master Config is cached locally and is only refreshed manually. This means you can take the Master Agent offline or make changes to it and safely Regenerate the objective without it affecting the Master Configuration. 

Once you have refreshed the Master Configuration, it will be listed in full on the page so you can review it to ensure it is what is required. Some Agent Types have a couple of useful fields (like the Destination Address) that are allowed to be edited within this interface. You can make your changes and use the Update Master Configuration button to save it. This is not pushed out to the Master Agent, and will be lost if the Master Config is refreshed again. 

Finally, it is also possible to clear out the Master Configuration by using the option at the very bottom of the page. This is useful if a bad config has been loaded, and you wish to remove it as a precaution before setting up a working config and refreshing it. 

Config Differences

The Config Differences tab is only displayed when there are differences between the Master Configuration and the managed Agent configurations. It lists each Agent with differences, and only shows the fields that do not match. All other fields are the same as the Master Configuration. 

This is the best place to check when there are configuration differences reported between the Agents. It should make the process of checking the differences and resolving them quite easy. 

If a Push is attempted on an Agent type that does not support it, then it will also be listed on this page.

Refresh Specific Agents

Normally when the Regenerate option is selected the objective will refresh every managed Agent. When you are managing a large number of Agents, this can take a while. To get around this, you can select only those Agent(s) that you wish to refresh. The system will then regenerate only these Agents, and use the cache for all the others. 

This is quite useful for testing or fixing up a problem with a specific Agent.

Agent Processing Errors 

This tab will be generated only when there are problems communicating with Agents during the regeneration process, and they will be listed here. 

This is the place to check when an Agent is marked as uncontactable, since it will be listed with the reason next to it.