Filters may be created to further identify the agents. Manage your filters to view, edit and trash any filters, and to create favourite filters for prompt access.
Each filter will display:
- the name of the filter
- the date the filter was added
- settings cog icon that allows further editing of the filter
- a star icon to set your filter as a favourite.
Setting the filter as starred displays the filter in the navigation bar. By selecting the filter from the navigation bar, it allows the user to display the filtered agents. From the toolbar, the filters may be sorted alphabetically or by the date the filter was created. Further options in this toolbar are to reset the starred filters by selecting Reset Starred.
To add a filter
- View all the agents found on the network by selecting Agents | All from the navigation bar.
- Select the Show Filters button from the toolbar. The following pop-up dialog is displayed. Select from the options to create a search filter to display the required agents. Click Apply Filter.
- The list of agents are displayed based on the filter applied.
- To save this filter, click Save in the toolbar. An input text box is available to enter a name for your filter. The name may be alphanumeric with spaces. Click Save. Alternatively to remove the filter click Reset.
- The filters are displayed and may be managed.
The filter may be edited by selecting the cog icon. | |