Uninstall Snare

Uninstall Snare

macOS does not provide facilities for uninstallers for pkg based applications.  Hence Intersect Alliance has provided an uninstall script to completely uninstall Snare for macOS if required.  The uninstall script does not require any confirmation, therefore once executed will uninstall Snare for macOS without any prompts.

To uninstall Snare for macOS:

  1. Logon as root user, i.e. at the command prompt enter the command:

    sudo -s

    and enter the root password.

  2. Execute the command:

    /Applications/Utilities/SnareAgent\ WebConsole.app/Contents/Resources/uninstall.sh


    The uninstall script will keep the Snare Agent configuration file: /etc/security/snare.conf
    This fie can be deleted manually if it is not needed anymore.

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