Snare Central is available to run in the cloud on Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Oracle cloud. We have specific images available for customers that want to run their Snare Central in these cloud platforms. The default image is sized at 400GB of disk and the customer can allocate additional disk and use the disk manager to increase their logging space for as many terabytes as they need.

After deploying the system you will need to load your license from SLDM, contact sales if you dont have this. Once you can login to the system run the configuration wizard to setup any local settings. It is recommended to patch the system to the latest patch from SLDM. The patch process for each image is the same as an on premises install, where the customer downloads the patch updates from SLDM and applies the patch to the system after taking the relevant system backups (ie snapshots).

Each cloud provider has options for their own server sizing or system shape that can be used with lots of disk options ranging from slower SAS to super-fast SSD options. We recommend that you size the system according to your expected system usage. In general running the system in the cloud makes it an easy process to increase the system capacity to a larger or smaller one if needed and then activate with a reboot. The key factors at all times are:

Once all of this is understood then we can look at some sizing options on the relevant cloud platforms.

Snare Central contains the following components

Storage needs

Some baseline suggested sizes that customers can use, system sizing’s are a guide only as actual system performance can vary:

Amazon AWS

Microsoft Azure

Oracle Cloud

Other variations and larger sizes can also be used depending the SAM usage, reporting, event searching and dashboard needs as they may require increases sizing over the above. More memory often has performance improvement as data is cached into memory.

Windows Snare Agent Manager

The Windows Snare Agent Manager (SAM) can also run in the cloud on a compatible windows server. The size and specifications are the same for an internal windows server. Refer to the installation guide for more information.

Snare Agents

Snare Agents can all run on systems in the cloud where the customer has control of the operating systems like as in IaaS installations. The same principles apply for an internal system and the agents operate in the same way.

Firewall rules

To run Snare Central in the cloud is much the same as running it on premises and you may need to adjust your firewall rules to allow network traffic between network segments. See this link for more details Firewall Ports

If you have a need to run your Snare Central system in the cloud or migrate your logging workload to the cloud and require some consulting professional services then please contact our friendly sales team via email so they can assist you. If you have an active maintenance contact you can also contact support for advice.