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The purpose of this section is to discuss the makeup of the configuration items in the registry. The Epilog configuration registry key is located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intersect Alliance\Epilog, and this location may not be changed. If the configuration key does not exist, the Epilog service will create it during installation, but will not actively audit events until a correctly formatted at least one log monitor is present. 

Epilog can be configured in several different ways, namely:


By manually editing the registry (NOT Recommended).
Note manual editing of the registry location is possible, but care should be taken to ensure that it conforms to the required Snare format.  Failure to specify a correct configuration will not 'crash' the Epilog service, but may result in selected events not being able to be read, and the system not working as specified.

Any use of the web based Remote Control Interface to modify selected configurations, will result in manual configuration changes being overwritten.

The format of the audit configuration registry subkeys is discussed below.




The purpose of this section is to discuss the makeup of the configuration items in the registry. The Epilog configuration registry key is located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intersect Alliance\Epilog, and this location may not be changed. If the configuration key does not exist, the Epilog service will create it during installation, but will not actively audit events until a correctly formatted at least one log monitor is present. 

Epilog can be configured in several different ways, namely:

  • Via the remote control interface (Recommended).
  • By manually editing the registry (NOT Recommended).
    Note manual editing of the registry location is possible, but care should be taken to ensure that it conforms to the required Snare format.  Failure to specify a correct configuration will not 'crash' the Epilog service, but may result in selected events not being able to be read, and the system not working as specified.

    Any use of the web based Remote Control Interface to modify selected configurations, will result in manual configuration changes being overwritten.

The format of the audit configuration registry subkeys is discussed below.

DelimiterThis value is of type REG_DWORD. Enabling this UseUTCCacheSizeM

This subkey stores SSL/TLS certificates configuration values.

This value is of type REG_SZ, and defines the required level of SSL/TLS certificate verification when connecting to a remote destination server. 
Note: SSL/TLS certificate verification is not relevant if UDP or TCP protocols are used to connect to the destination.
Accepted values are:
ANY - (Default) Require an SSL/TLS certificate to be presented, but accept the certificate even if the chain of trust cannot be authenticated, or the hostname does not match the presented certificate. This is useful for self-signed certificates.
STRICT - Require an SSL/TLS certificate to be presented, and have both a valid chain of trust and also a hostname matching the certificate. A hostname must be provided in the associated Destination#Host setting, as an IP address will not work.
This value is of type REG_SZ, and defines the required level of SSL/TLS certificate verification when connecting to a Snare Agent Manager server. 
Accepted values are:
ANY - (Default) Require an SSL/TLS certificate to be presented, but accept the certificate even if the chain of trust cannot be authenticated, or the hostname does not match the presented certificate. This is useful for self-signed certificates.
STRICT - Require an SSL/TLS certificate to be presented, and have both a valid chain of trust and also a hostname matching the certificate. A hostname must be provided in the SAM1IP setting, as an IP address will not work.
The thumbprint of the certificate to be used for HTTPS web user interface interactions. 
By default, Snare Agent generates a self-signed certificate. Customer is welcome to replace it with a CA-signed certificate for improved security. 

This subkey stores the general configuration values.
This value is of type REG_DWORD and sets the level of tracing sent by the agent.  Values include [0-5] where Fatal (0), Error (1), Warning (2), Info (3), Debug (8), Trace (9).
This is the disk cache path where the agent will temporarily save all unsent events if the agent needs to restart. Agent will read and send the events on next start.

This value is of type REG_DWORD

and sets the level of tracing sent by the agent.  Values include [0-5] where Fatal (0), Error (1), Warning (2), Info (3), Debug (8), Trace (9).
This is the disk cache path where the agent will temporarily save all unsent events if the agent needs to restart. Agent will read and send the events on next start.


This value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines whether Epilog includes an MD5 Checksum of the contents of each audit record, with the record in question. Set this value to 0 for no, or 1 for Yes. Will default to FALSE (0) if not set. Note that the checking application will need to strip the final delimiter, plus the MD5 Checksum, from the record before evaluating the record against the checksum.


This is the Hostname of the client and is of type REG_SZ. If no value has been set, "hostname" command output will be displayed. Must be no more than 100 chars, otherwise will truncate.

, and determines whether Epilog includes an MD5 Checksum of the contents of each audit record, with the record in question. Set this value to 0 for no, or 1 for Yes. Will default to FALSE (0) if not set. Note that the checking application will need to strip the final delimiter, plus the MD5 Checksum, from the record before evaluating the record against the checksum.


This is the Hostname of the client and is of type REG_SZ. If no value has been set, "hostname" command output will be displayed. Must be no more than 100 chars, otherwise will truncate.


This is of type REG_SZ and stores the Windows Registry path from where to read the Event Source Id text/value. If the value in EventSourceIdType is 2 (Registry Path), then the text/value in the registry, specified by the path, is included in each event.


This is of type REG_SZ and directly stores the field delimiting character, ONLY if syslog header has been selected. If more than one char, only first char will be used. If none set, then TAB will be used. This is a HIDDEN field, and only available to those users that wish to set a different delimiter when using the SYSLOG header. This selection option will not be found in the Remote Control Interface.


This is of type REG_SZ and stores the Windows Registry path from where to read the Event Source Id text/value. If the value in EventSourceIdType is 2 (Registry Path), then the text/value in the registry, specified by the path, is included in each event.


This is of type REG_SZ and directly stores the Event Source Id text/value. If the value in EventSourceIdType is 1 (Free Text), then this text/value is included in each event.


This is of type REG_DWORD and stores the option related to specifying Event Source Id: 0(NONE), 1(Free Text), 2(Registry Path).

FileSizeThis is the maximum generated size of an output file receiving events. The file is rotated upon reaching this maximum.
This values is the frequency with which a heartbeat is sent, set in minutes.
This value determines whether heartbeats are logged to a file. Set this value to 0 for no, or 1 for Yes.
This is the path where the heartbeat messages are exported to, if selected.
This value is of type REG_SZ. Set to the GUID of the specific network card.
This value is of type REG_SZ. Set to the IP address of the specific network card.

Event Source Id text/value. If the value in EventSourceIdType is 1 (Free Text), then this text/value is included in each event.


This is of type REG_DWORD and stores the option related to specifying Event Source Id: 0(NONE), 1(Free Text), 2(Registry Path).

This is the maximum generated size of an output file receiving events. The file is rotated upon reaching this maximum.

This values is the frequency with which a heartbeat is sent, set in minutes.


This value determines whether heartbeats are logged to a file. Set this value to 0 for no, or 1 for Yes.


This is the path where the heartbeat messages are exported to, if selected.

This value is of type REG_SZ. Set to the GUID of the specific network card.
This value is of type REG_SZ. Set to the IP address of the specific network card.
This value is of type REG_DWORD. Enabling this setting will allow IIS to immediately flush all log messages, allowing Epilog to get them.
This value is of type REG_DWORD. When When disabled (0), Snare Agent supports TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 for web connections. When When enabled (1), TLS 1.2 is explicitly disabled; browsers connecting to the agent website must support at least TLS 1.3 for ssl connections.
Legacy agent setting required to upgrade agents (if it was set to be the identifier to separate events). Defunct for v5 as now set in Destination Configuration.

This value is of type REG_SZ.  The automatically generated path in which temporary upgrade files are stored.

If set it resolves the machinesThis value is of type REG_DWORD and determines whether Snare should use IP address from(as theset firstin wiredHostIP) adapter.instead Itof willthe nothostname resolvein wirelessthe IP's at presentevents' header when sending events. Set this value to 0 for noNo, or 1 for Yes.
 Will default to FALSE (0) if not set.

This value is of type REG_DWORD and determines whether Snare should use UTC timestamps instead of the local system time when sending events. Set this value to 0 for no, or 1 for Yes. Will default to FALSE (0) if not set.

This subkey stores all the filtering policies.
(where # is a 
serial number)

This section describes the format of the log filtersFilters applied to Log file monitors. Filters are of type REG_SZ , of no greater than 1060 chars.Example(string), and the stored value looks similar to this
Criticality- Format for this string is d25c09f3040c

criticality - ten comma-separated integer values ([0-4],[0-7],[0-7],[0-7],[0-10],[1-10],0,0,0,0) representing event criticality for different event formats. First integer is between 0 and 4 that indicates indicating the severity of the event . Critical = 4, Priority = 3, Warning = 2, Information = 1, Clear = 0. in Snare format: 0 - Clear , 1 - Information, 2 - Warning, 3 - Priority, 4 - Critical. Next 3 values are Syslog for each RFC3164, RFC3164 Alt and RFC5424 formats. Syslog values RFC3164 Alt and RFC5424 are copied from Syslog and not used separately. Values 0-7 denote denote Emergency, Alert, Critical, Error, Warning, Notice, Info and Debug, Debugrespectively. CEF is  0 is  0 - 10, 0 is least severe and 10 is most severe. LEEF is  1 is  1 - 10, 1 is least severe and 10 is most severe. Last 4 values 0,0,0,0 are reserved and not in use.

eg. criticality=2,5,5,5,7,9,0,0,0,0

match (General Match)  - The General match term is the filter expression, and is defined to be any value which includes DOS wildcard characters. Max length is 512. It can also include regular expressions if 'regex' box is checked. Use = to include matching events, != to exclude matching events. 

eg match="*"

Regex: =0 (Include general string term to match); =1  (Include regex string term to match)

eg. regex=0

[Network]This subkey stores the general network configurations.


This value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines the desired count of events in the memory cache. If this is set then CacheSizeM cannot be altered.

match= - a string (if regex = 0) or a regular expression (if regex = 1) to match and INCLUDE. Events matching this filter will be collected. DOS wildcard characters ("*" and "?") can be used when regex = 0, for example: match="*"
match!= - a string (if regex = 0) or a regular expression (if regex = 1) to match and EXCLUDE. Events matching this filter will not be collected.
regex - integer indicating whether the match string is a regular expression: 0 - no; 1 - yes
state - an integer representing the state of Filter configuration: 0 - Disabled; 1 - Enabled; 2 - Requiring Service Restart
uuid - a unique 16-byte identifier of this Filter.

See Log Filter Configuration page in this User Guide for more details.

This subkey stores the general network configurations.
This value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines the size of the desired count of events in the memory cache. If this is set then CacheSizeM cannot be altered.

This value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines the size of the in memory cache. The value must be between 1 and 1024.If this is set then CacheSize cannot be altered.

Number of seconds the agent will internally reload its settings, drop and reestablish network connection. Minimum set time is 300 seconds (5 minutes), maximum is 3600 seconds (1 hour).

This sub key is of type REG_SZ and is a comma separated list of destinations, which should be a maximum of 100 characters each. It details the IP address or hostname which the event records will be sent (NB: multiple hosts only available in supported agent). See Appendix - Delimiters.The delimiter to be used in the events written to this network destination, including, tab, comma, vertical bar, space and any custom character.  By default the delimiter is a tab character.

This value is of type REG_DWORD and is the format in which the events are sent to the destination:
Snare (0), SYSLOG RFC3164 (1), SYSLOG Alt (2), CEF (3), LEEF (4), SYSLOG RFC5424 (5), SNARE V2 (6), SYSLOG JSON (7), DEVO (8), DEVO JSON (9).
This value is of type REG_SZ and is the IP or hostname of the destination server/SIEM.
This value is of type REG_SZ and is the ID of the client's certificate. Client will present the certificate in mutual TLS communication to prove its identify identity to the server in communication.

This value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines the Destination Port number. This value must be in 1-65535 range. Will default to 514 if a SYSLOG header has been specified.

This value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines the protocol used (0 for UDP, 1 for TCP, 2 for TLS/SSL, 3 for TLS_AUTH, 4 for mTLS). This feature only appears in supported agents.
This value is of type REG_SZ and is used when Destination1SocketType is 3 i.e. TLS_AUTH. 
This value ranges from 1 to 255. It includes the path of the files where the events will be stored per format (e.g. Snare, SYSLOG)
The delimiter to be used in the events written to this file destination, including, tab, comma, vertical bar, space and any custom character.  By default the delimiter is a tab character.
The path and location of the file the events are sent to.  Multiple files may be set.

The format to write to the log file.


Available formats are:


Snare (0), SYSLOG RFC3164 (1), SYSLOG Alt (2), CEF (3), LEEF (4), SYSLOG RFC5424 (5), SNARE V2 (6), SYSLOG JSON (7), DEVO (8), DEVO JSON (9).

This value is of type REG_DWORD having value 0 or 1, and determines whether to send or not the EPS notification to server (1 means send and 0 means not to send) whenever agent reaches EPS RateLimit. This feature only appears in supported agents.
This value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines the frequency of events per second notification. The value is treated in minutes and only one EPS notification message is sent to server regardless of how many times agent reaches EPS limit during these minutes. This feature only appears in supported agents.
RateLimitThis value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines the upper limit for events per second (EPS) that the agent will send to server. This feature only appears in supported agents.
SyslogFacilityThis value represents the SYSLOG facility for SYSLOG format


This subkey stores all the remote control parameters.


This is of type REG_SZ, and stores the actual password to be used, in encrypted format.


"Allow" is of type REG_DWORD, and set to either 0 or 1 to allow remote control If not set or out of bounds, will default to 0/NO (ie; not able to be remote controlled).

LockTimeThis value is of type REG_DWORD and is used to determine the lock duration in minutes after maximum failed login attempts.
MaxFailAttemptThis value is of type REG_DWORD and is used to determine the maximum number of failed login attempts that will be accepted before the agent will be locked for a duration (Duration is defined in LockTime).


This value is of type REG_DWORD, and set to either 0 or 1 to signal whether the remote users should be restricted via IP address or not. 0 = no restrictions.


This is of type REG_SZ and is the IP address set from above.


This value is the web server port, if it has been set to something other than port 6162. It is of type REG_DWORD. If not set or out of bounds, it will default to port 6162.

Stores the Snare Agent Manager settings
Key used by the agent to communicate with the Snare Agent Manager.
The IP/hostname of where SAM is installed, that will communicate with the agent.
The port number the agent uses to communicate with SAM, port 6262.



Token provided by SAM to the agent.

AgentLockedThis value is of type REG_DWORD and is set to either 0 or 1 to indicate whether the agent is locked or not due to reaching maximum failed login attempts.
AgentLockEndTimeThis is of type REG_SZ and is used to store the time when the agent will be back to normal after it has been locked due to reaching maximum failed login attempts.
LoginAttemptsThis value is of type REG_DWORD and is used to determine the number of consecutive failed login attempts.   
 This subsection stores the log monitors
Log# (where # is a serial number)This section describes the format of the log monitors. Log monitors are of type REG_SZ, of no greater than 512 chars, and is composed of the following string:
Logtype | LogPath
LogType is optional and is used to inform the Snare server how to process the data stream.
The LogPath is the fully qualified path to the log file that needs to be monitored or the fully qualified path to the directory containing date stamped log files of the form "YYMMDD" (in this case a trailing backslash ('\') is required). Spaces are valid, except at the start of the term.per second notification. The value is treated in minutes and only one EPS notification message is sent to server regardless of how many times agent reaches EPS limit during these minutes. This feature only appears in supported agents.
This value is of type REG_DWORD, and determines the upper limit for events per second (EPS) that the agent will send to server. This feature only appears in supported agents.
This value represents the SYSLOG facility for SYSLOG format


This value is of type REG_DWORD, having value of 0 or 1, and determines whether to use TAB as SYSLOG (RFC3164) TAG Terminator. SYSLOG (RFC3164) IEFT standard allows all alphanumeric characters considered the part of TAG. It is strongly recommended to keep it as 1, else Destination#Delimiter will be used as TAG terminator.

This subkey stores all the remote control parameters.

This is of type REG_SZ, and stores the actual password to be used, in encrypted format.


"Allow" is of type REG_DWORD, and set to either 0 or 1 to allow remote control If not set or out of bounds, will default to 0/NO (i.e. not able to be remote controlled).

This value is of type REG_DWORD and is used to determine the lock duration in minutes after maximum failed login attempts.
This value is of type REG_DWORD and is used to determine the maximum number of failed login attempts that will be accepted before the agent will be locked for a duration (Duration is defined in LockTime).

This value is of type REG_DWORD, and set to either 0 or 1 to signal whether the remote users should be restricted via IP address or not. 0 = no restrictions.


This is of type REG_SZ and is the IP address set from above.


This value is the web server port, if it has been set to something other than port 6162. It is of type REG_DWORD. If not set or out of bounds, it will default to port 6162.

Stores the Snare Agent Manager settings.
Key used by the agent to communicate with the Snare Agent Manager.
The IP/hostname of where SAM is installed, that will communicate with the agent.
The port number the agent uses to communicate with SAM, port 6262.

This section stores data managed internally by the Agent.

Token provided by SAM to the agent.

This value is of type REG_DWORD and is set to either 0 or 1 to indicate whether the agent is locked or not due to reaching maximum failed login attempts.
This is of type REG_SZ and is used to store the time when the agent will be back to normal after it has been locked due to reaching maximum failed login attempts.
This value is of type REG_DWORD and is used to determine the number of consecutive failed login attempts.   

This subsection stores the log monitors.
(where # is
a serial number)
This section describes the format of the log file monitors. Log monitors are of type REG_SZ (string), and the stored value looks similar to this: 

logtype - an integer representing the type of logs being collected: 0 - Generic log format(default); 1 - Apache web logs;  2 - Exchange message tracking logs pre 2007; 3 - Exchange message tracking logs 2007; 4 - Exchange message tracking logs 2010/2013; 5 - Microsoft IIS web server logs; 6 - Microsoft ISA firewall logs; 7 - Microsoft ISA web logs; 8 - Microsoft proxy server logs; 9 - Microsoft SMTP logs; 10 - Squid proxy logs; 11 - VMS Security Logs; 12 - Custom Event log; 13 - Microsoft DNS server logs; 14 - NCR ATM Journal Logs; 15 - DHCP Logs
logval - user-defined string that will be used as a log type in the event header if the logtype = 12 - Custom Event Log.
linetype - an integer defining what comprises a single event: 0 - Single Line (every line in the monitored file is converted to a separate event); 1 - Fixed Number of Lines; 2 - Line separating events (a line specified in lineval acts as event separator)
lineval - if linetype = 1, a string representing the number of lines to be read as one event; if linetype = 2, this is the line that separates events, for example, "<end>". 
watchtype - an integer indicating which files should be monitored in the given directory: 0 - All matching files; 1 - Last matching file (alphabetically); 2 - First matching file (alphabetically); 3 - Fixed number of first matching files; 4 - Fixed number of last matching files
watchval - if watchtype = 3 or 4, a string representing the number of first/last matching files, otherwise "1"
dirfilter - a string representing fully qualified path to the desired log file or the directory containing the target log files
filefilter - a string representing the file name or file name pattern to monitor for new logs
features - an integer representing a bitmap of extra features, such as comments inclusion, date-based or regex-based file matching, etc. This value is set programmatically based on other selections.
state - an integer representing the state of Log file monitor configuration. Disabled = 0, Enabled = 1, Requiring Service Restart = 2.
uuid - a unique 16-byte identifier of this Log file monitor.

See Log Configuration page in this User Guide for more details.