The Snare Server collects events and logs from a variety of operating systems, applications and appliances including, but not limited to: Windows workstations and servers, Linux, Solaris, AIX, OSX, macOS, ACF2, RACF, CISCO Routers, CISCO PIX Firewall, CyberGuard Firewall, Checkpoint Firewall1, Gauntlet Firewall, Netgear Firewall, IPTables Firewall, Microsoft ISA Server, Microsoft IIS Server, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Proxy Server, Apache, Squid, Snort Network Intrusion Detection Sensors, IBM SOCKS Server, and Generic Syslog Data of any variety.
Some of the key features of the Snare Server include:
The Snare Server is an appliance solution that comes packaged with a hardened, minimal version of the Linux operating system to provide baseline computing functionality, which means you do not need to purchase additional operating system licenses, database licenses, or install additional applications in order to get up and running.