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The configurations for Epilog are stored in the system registry. The registry is a common storage location of configuration parameters for Windows programs, and other applications. The registry location contains all the details required by Epilog to successfully execute. Failure to specify a correct configuration will not 'crash' the Epilog service, but may result in selected events not being able to be read, and the system not working as specified.

Note manual editing of the registry location is possible, but care should be taken to ensure that it conforms to the required Epilog format. Also, any use of the web based Remote Control Interface to modify selected configurations, will result in manual configuration changes being overwritten. Details on the configuration format for the registry can be viewed in Windows registry configuration description.

The most effective and simplest way to configure the Epilog service is to use the Epilog web based Remote Control Interface. The audit configuration settings can be selected from the menu items on the left-hand side.


Agent Management Console

The most effective and simplest way to configure the SnareCore service is to use the Snare web based Remote Control Interface. If remote control is enabled, the process of configuring large numbers of agents can be further simplified by taking advantage of the Snare Server Agent Management Console. See User Guide to the Snare Agent Management Console on the Intersect Alliance website.
