- Notification and warning on Snare agents has been changed to to allow syslog_5424 format on port 514. As a result of this change, notification and warning will no longer appear for valid syslog format's when using port 514.
- Fix a potential for memory corruption of event data being sent via TCP, TLS or UDP when under very heavy loads.
- There was an issue in previous release of the snare agent where it was not properly handling the objectives during upgrade to latest release. Due to this issue, objectives may not be available after upgrade. This issue is fixed in this release and now snare properly handles the objectives during upgrade and all objectives are available after upgrade.
- Fixed a bug where if checksum for events was enabled it didn't apply the checksum correctly. Checksum may only be enabled in the registry and appends a checksum of the event. Note that checksums are applied for Snare and Syslog formats only if configured.
- Snare agent warning and notification messages has been changed to issue warning for selecting non-TAB delimiter for SNARE format(Snare Server destination). As a result of this change, new warning's will be issued when non-TAB delimited for SNARE format (for Snare Server destination) is selected.
- There was a logging issue in previous release of SnareMSSQL agent. Due to this issue, SnareMSSQL was not able to properly show the log messages on console if run from console. This issue is fixed in the release. Now SnareMSSQL logs all the messages to console window as per input parameter -d when run from console.
- There was an issue with the uninstaller of the SnareMSSQL agent. Due to this issue uninstaller was not properly cleaning the registry of the SnareMSSQL agent. This issue is fixed in this release and now uninstaller properly cleans the registry during uninstall.
- There was in issue the way SnareMSSQL was saving/updating the objective. Due to this issue, an objective would not save correctly when 'Including SELECT' check box was checked on objective page. This issue is fixed in this release and now SnareMSSQL properly save the value of 'Including SELECT' checkbox.
- There was an installing issue in previous release of SnareMSSQL where installation was made using .inf file on machines that are part of Windows Cluster or machines running with Windows Server 2016. Due to these installation issues, SnareMSSQL installation might fail or objectives might fail to load from .inf file. These issues are fixed in this release. Now SnareMSSQL handles cluster installation as well as properly supports Windows Server 2016.
- There was an issue in previous release of SnareMSSQL where setting 'Use plain text objective data' under General Configuration was not working. Due to this issue objectives were not stored in plain text even when this option is checked. This issue is fixed in this release and now SnareMSSQL properly honors the setting 'Use plain text objective data' .