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Antivirus Administration


To access this area LDAP groups should be enabled in Configuration Wizard | Security Setup | Snare Central, or Local User groups are defined in User Administration.  This objective provides an easy and flexible interface for changing Objectives Access Rights at the group level for both local groups or LDAP defined groups.  It is capable to authenticate remote users and authorise remote groups defined in a LDAP or Active Directory server.


This objective provides summary information on current objective scheduling, target email addresses, and access controls. A link to each objective also enables you to modify the associated configuration settings.

Manage Plugins

The team at InterSect Alliance provide development services for customers, such as creating Snare Central objectives that meet specific organisational requirements.  We release these customisations as 'Snare Central Plugins', which can be installed using the normal 'Snare Central Update' capability, and can be turned on/off using the 'Manage Plugins' objective."

My Account

Your Snare Central password can be changed in this objective. Last login date/time information is also available. Note that the Snare Central implements several password security policies, including:


This objective allows you to create users and groups.

There are three groups that are
Thegroups built into the Snare Central are: Administrators, SuperUsers, PowerUsers and Default.

All users are automatically included in the 'Default' group. The 'Administrators' group has the same access as the 'administrator' userid with the exception of a number of functions that are restricted to the 'administrator' (eg: Changing the password of the Administrator account). The 'PowerUsers' group may access all reports and all objectives in status, and to their own account. The 'SuperUser' group has no particular privileges, but can be used to group accounts with significant privileges to objectives, if you wish to take advantage of it.


After the group has been created, you may fine tune access rights for each particular group with the "Manage Access Rights" tool under System buttonvia System | Administrative Tools | Manage Access Control.

The Snare Central implements several password security policies, including:
