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Autoremove Data


It is required to establish an age criteria to match against using the Older than and units fields.

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A Test button is provided for testing the matching and age criteria upon the actual Snare data showing a list of files that will be affected by the task.


Snare can backup data to optical, or removable USB media.  Select a device type to continue to the data archival process.

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Optical Media - Interactive


A dialog will appear that asks you which months/days to transfer. Months can be expanded in order to include or exclude individual day's worth of data. Months or days can be added to the archive by clicking on the associated arrow button to the right of the date. Months or days can be removed by clicking on the red cross that is associated with the date.

A 'fuel gauge' indicator is available to the right of the dialog, and provides an indication of the current fill state of the CD or DVD.

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After clicking the 'Next' button, a new dialog will appear, showing the status of the transfer.

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Once the process has completed, the dialog will offer you the opportunity to display, or remove the files that have been transferred to CD/DVD.

Snare validates the CD or DVD after generation, to make sure that files of the correct name and size have been copied to the optical media. However, for peace of mind, it is highly recommended that the physical media, and contents, be checked on another server before the files that have been migrated off the server, are removed from the Snare data archive.

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If you have chosen to generate an ISO image, the image file will be available for download from the front objective output page. You can also choose to remove the CD or DVD from the dialog that pops up when you select the download link, or request an MD5 checksum of the image, to provide a level of assurance that your download matches the image generated by the Snare Server.

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Optical Media - Scheduled


  • Data from 'last month' only.
  • Data that is more than 30, 60, 90 or 365 days old.

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USB Media

Choosing the 'USB Drive/Key' button will allow you to synchronise all, or a portion of your current event log data, with a USB device.

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Existing data already present on the device will be compared against the current contents of your data archive, and only new, or changed, data will be copied across to the target device.  Data that already exists on the target device, but has been removed from the Snare Server data store, will not be touched. 

1 terabyte external USB drives are common, and reasonably cheap. A 1 terabyte external USB drive can hold somewhere near 40-50 terabytes of compressed snare log data - which is roughly equivalent to a year's worth of data at 5,000 events every second, for the entire year.

When a USB key or hard drive is plugged into the Snare Server, the configuration settings dialog will list the device as a selectable option.

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Choosing a USB device as a target device, and setting the objective to regenerate nightly with all data other than the current day, will provide an automated external backup solution for eventlog data. Once you have either filled the external drive, or wish to swap to other media, any data that has been copied over to external storage can be removed manually, and the USB media synchronisation reestablished for the new device.


The Remove Data objective provides the ability to remove data by date, log type or agent.

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Selecting a date (or range of dates), will update the Log Type Selection column, to display a list of log types that are available for the chosen date(s). Choosing a log type will update the list of agents that are available for the chosen log types and dates.
