Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


In addition, some functions are available that can modify perform calculations based on field contents.

Code Block


To search for some IP addresses you will need to use the advanced search and escape the dot in the IP address as per this example. make sure you have a space at the end of the IP address to get an exact match or you may see other IP address addresses that start with the last octet.

Code Block
DATE='TODAY' AND ALLFIELDS REGEXI '(10\.1\.1\.1 |10\.1\.1\.2 ) '

Restricted words and characters






A field in SnareQL is a word that represents a field within a particular log type.

Events within each logtype log type are guaranteed by the Snare Central collection subsystem to include the following fields:

  • DATE

    • In the format YYYY-MM-DD, for example 2020-02-23

  • TIME

    • In the format: HH:MM:SS, for example: 16:23:49


    • Upper case system name or IP Address.


    • The source log type

Depending on the source log type, events may also include fields such as:

  • EventID (eg: “deny packet”, or “login - ssh”, or “512”.

  • SourceIP (eg:

  • User (eg: AJSmith)

  • URL (eg:

The fields See Log Types for information on fields that are available for each type of log are detailed in a table belowlog type. Note that new log types are added on a regular basis.


An operator in SnareQL is one or more symbols or words that compare the value of a field on its left with one or more values on its right. Some operators may use the negate symbol (!) to reverse the meaning - eg: !=, !REGEX

  • =

    • Standard equality. Case insensitive.

  • !=

    • Standard inequality. Case insensitive.

  • <

    • Less than. Case insensitive in strings.

    • Note: TIME is considered a unique value, and is not linked to date. ie: 15:00:00 < 15:00:01 is true - even if the first DATE is in 2019, and the second DATE is 1979

      • True date/time comparisons would require (DATE < X OR (DATE = X AND TIME < Y))

  • <=

    • Less than or equal to. Case insensitive in strings.

    • Note: TIME is considered a unique value, and is not linked to date. ie: 15:00:00 < 15:00:01 is true - even if the first DATE is in 2019, and the second DATE is 1979

      • True date/time comparisons would require (DATE < X OR (DATE = X AND TIME < Y))

  • >

    • Greater than. Case insensitive in strings.

    • Note: TIME is considered a unique value, and is not linked to date. ie: 15:00:00 < 15:00:01 is true - even if the first DATE is in 2019, and the second DATE is 1979

      • True date/time comparisons would require (DATE < X OR (DATE = X AND TIME < Y))

  • >=

    • Greater than or equal to. Case insensitive in strings.

    • Note: TIME is considered a unique value, and is not linked to date. ie: 15:00:00 < 15:00:01 is true - even if the first DATE is in 2019, and the second DATE is 1979

      • True date/time comparisons would require (DATE < X OR (DATE = X AND TIME < Y))

  • LIKE

    • SQL-style like criteria. "%" symbols are considered to be wildcards. Case insensitive.

  • !LIKE

    • SQL-style like criteria. "%" symbols are considered to be wildcards. Case insensitive.


    • The target string, contains the supplied string. Case insensitive.

    • eg: STRINGS CONTAINS "userid" would be true for a STRINGS of "The following userID logged off: Fred"


    • The target string, does not contain the supplied string. Case insensitive.

    • eg: STRINGS !CONTAINS "userid" would be true for a STRINGS of "This string does not contain the string"


    • The value is one of the supplied comma-separated values. Case insensitive.

    • eg: STRINGS INCLUDES "Fred,Barney,Wilma" would be true for the String "Fred", but not "Frederick"

    • The equivalent of (STRINGS = "FRED" OR STRINGS = "BARNEY" OR STRINGS = "WILMA")


    • That value contains NONE of the supplied comma-separated values. Case insensitive.

    • EXCLUDES is an alias for !INCLUDES

    • eg: STRINGS EXCLUDES "Fred,Barney,Wilma" would be true for the String "BamBam", and would also be true for "Frederick", but not "Fred"

    • The equivalent of (STRINGS != "FRED" AND STRINGS != "BARNEY" AND STRINGS != "WILMA")


    • The value matches the supplied regular expression.

    • Regex is CASE SENSITIVE

    • Regex is assumed to be a valid RE2 expression.

  • !REGEX

    • The value does not match the supplied regular expression.

    • Regex is CASE SENSITIVE

    • Regex is assumed to be a valid RE2 expression (note that Snare Server version 7 uses PCRE).


    • The value matches the supplied regular expression.


    • Regex is assumed to be a valid RE2 expression.


    • The value does not match the supplied regular expression.


    • Regex is assumed to be a valid RE2 expression.

  • HAS

    • Like CONTAINS, but assumes that the supplied match string, are entire words.

    • Significantly more friendly from an index-perspective; queries that use HAS may return significantly faster than queries that use CONTAINS.

    • Case insensitive.

    • eg: STRINGS HAS "Fred" would match: "The user Fred logged in", but not "The user Frederick logged in".

    • eg: STRINGS CONTAINS "Fred" would match: "The user Fred logged in" and "The user Frederick logged in".

Logical Element

A logical element in SnareQL is a word that joins two or more clauses together to forma form a complex SnareQL query

  • AND

  • OR

  • NOT


A string designed to represent the contents of a field in an event within the Snare Central datastore. The value may be a simple string, or a complex regular expression, depending on the operator selected.

Quotations are optional for simple values comprising a single word. Single or double quotes are recommended for more complex values such as regular expressions, and are required for strings that contain whitespace.

  • AJSmith

  • “Tony Smith”

  • “^(AU|US|UK)-[0-9]”

  • “Tony%”

  • yesterday


A function in SnareQL appears as a word followed by parentheses, which may contain a field.

A function performs a calculation on the contents of the field (the value) and returns the results.

  • 15MIN(TIME):

    • Return the number of 15 minute quadrant associated with the supplied time (0-95).

    • The day will be divided into 96 quadrants.

      00:12:03 will become 0
      00:15:01 will become 1
      12:01:00 will become 48
      12:14:59 will become 48
      12:15:01 will become 49
      14:45:00 will become 59


    • Return the time to the nearest low 15 minute segment of the day

      12:01:00 will become 12:00:00
      12:14:59 will become 12:00:00
      12:15:01 will become 12:15:00
      14:45:00 will become 14:45:00
      15:59:00 will become 15:45:00


    • Returns just the hour associated with the supplied time

      12:01:12 will return 12

      17:23:34 will return 17


    • Returns the hour and the minute, with a colon deliminiter
      17:23:49 becomes 17:23


    • Returns just the minute component of the supplied time

      12:01:12 will return 01
      17:23:34 will return 23


    • Returns just the seconds component of the supplied time

      12:01:12 will return 12
      17:23:34 will return 34


    • Returns the number of the day of the week for a particular date.

    • 1: Sunday

    • 2: Monday

    • 3: Tuesday

    • 4: Wednesday

    • 5: Thursday

    • 6: Friday

    • 7: Saturday
