- Copy the Epilog exe file to your Epilog installation e.g. c:\program files\epilog
- Ensure you have administrator rights, open a command prompt and browse to the directory where the setup program is stored.
- To install Epilog with the options specified in <
> for example where the INFfile is called mysettings.INF file, and not display any pop-up windows, run the file:
This option is suitable for packaging and non-interactive installations.
/verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /LoadInf="mysettings.inf"Snare-Epilog-Agent-v
To reinstall Epilog with the options specified in <
> for example where the INFfile is called mysettings.INF file, and not display any pop-up windows, run the file:
This option is suitable for reinstalling Snare with settings non-interactively.
/reinstall /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /LoadInf="mysettings.inf"Snare-Epilog-Agent-v
- To install the agent setting the network configuration:
/usehostip=1 /destination= /destport=514 /sockettype=0 /reinstall /verysilent /remoteallow=1 /audit=0Snare-Epilog-Agent-v
- To install the agent setting the network configuration and allowing remote local access:
/usehostip=1 /destination= /destport=6161 /sockettype=1 /reinstall /verysilent /remoteallow=1 /remotelocal=1 /accesskey=mypassword