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  1. The PureConnect ICWS Service for RealTime metrics
  2. The PureConnect CIC database 

The ICWS integration (PureConnect Adapter)

Data Available from the ICWS is loosely based on the Statistics Catalog provided by the Genesys, for the latest revision of the Statistics Catalog. See this link: Statistics Catalog. eMite categorises the available statistics based on the modules it uses


Granularity - pertains to the Interval Queue data dependant indexes: the granuarity is specified by PureConnect's settings, if the intervals are setup to be a minimum of 30 minutes; all our data Interval Queueu data related indexes will be aggregated at 30 minute intervals.

Application Scaling (Multi-Tier Infrastructure)

The recommended method of scaling the solution once the single tier infrastructure has been maxed out; is to natarully introduce multiple servers. To aid this process; it's easiest to understand how to setup each server and their server specifications based upon the core functions of each eMite component and understand which

ComponentResource BottleneckComments
PureConnect AdapterCPUEach module uses a single thread based upon a listening subscription.
PureConnect CIC Database IntegrationRAMEach fact query will poll data from the database, stores the data in memory and pushes it into the persistent ES store
RTBI Framework + Index ServerCPUHandles requests from the dashboard and translates requests to Elasticsearch, dependant upon IIS.
ElasticsearchRAM + DiskPersistant data store; operates better with Linux based servers 
DashboardCPUDirect interface and handles requests from Users/Wallboards, depependant upon IIS. 
eMite SchedulerCPUFires/Schedules jobs based on configurations, runs Adapters. Low resource profile, takes from half to 1 CPU thread.
eMite Configuration DBCPUSQL Server Express capability. Low resource profile, takes up 1 CPU thread.

Example Configuration 1: Historical Analysis Orientated Configuration based on 2 servers

Server 1 - eMite Dashboard + Data Onboarding Server

Key Components:


eMite Scheduler

eMite Configuration DB

PureConnect Adapter

RTBI Framework + Index Server

Server 2 - Dedicated Elasticsearch host


Example Configuration 2: Real-Time Dashboard Orientated Configuration based on 2 servers

Server 1 - eMite Dashboard

Key Components


eMite Configuration DB

Server 2 - eMite Onboarding Server

eMite Scheduler

RTBI Framework + Index Server


PureConnect Adapter

CIC Database Integration