Records virus attacks.
Sample Events
date=2020-03-29 time=16:51:27 logid=0201009233 type=utm subtype=virus level=notice devid=FGXXXXXXXXXX vd=root msg="File submitted to Sandbox." action=analytics service=HTTP srcip= dstip= srcport=51779 dstport=80 sessionid=2013193656 direction=incoming filename=file.exe quarskip=No-skip url= profile=AV-Profile agent=Mozilla/5.0 proto=6 eventtype=analytics analyticscksum=52b0dda51113acec993dbbb40a2ff7f1024d0fc998de2d61d6b479ffe26d9be4 analyticssubmit=true policyid=510 srcintf=portXX dstintf=portXX devname=HA_Perimetral
date=2020-05-22 time=15:30:29 devname="PSA-OR-FTGW001" devid="FGVM4VTM20001228" logid="0201009238" type="utm" subtype="virus" eventtype="analytics" level="notice" vd="root" eventtime=1590132630730688566 tz="+0800" srcip= dstip= srcport=23456 dstport=20 action="monitored" service="http" filename="test-fsa.exe" fsaverdict="malicious" analyticscksum="47fd6cadce503e53ad2c543eb728ae2d017277afb3db6b16954e49ac1cf4cc20" dtype="fortisandbox"
date=2019-04-09 time=15:19:02 logid="0204008202" type="utm" subtype="virus" eventtype="outbreak-prevention" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1554848342519005401 msg="Blocked by Virus Outbreak Prevention service." action="blocked" service="SMB" sessionid=177 srcip= dstip= srcport=37444 dstport=445 srcintf="wan2" srcintfrole="wan" dstintf="wan1" dstintfrole="wan" policyid=1 proto=6 direction="incoming" filename="outbreak\" quarskip="File-was-not-quarantined." virus="503e99fe40ee120c45bc9a30835e7256fff3e46a" dtype="File Hash" filehash="503e99fe40ee120c45bc9a30835e7256fff3e46a" filehashsrc="fortiguard" profile="av" analyticssubmit="false" crscore=50 craction=2 crlevel="critical" content-disarm: 05 command-blocked: 06 malware-list: 07
date=2018-07-30 time=13:59:41 logid="0207008212" type="utm" subtype="virus" eventtype="malware-list" level="warning" vd="root" eventtime=1532984381 msg="Blocked by local malwarelist." action="blocked" service="HTTP" sessionid=174963 srcip= dstip= srcport=37045 dstport=80 srcintf="lan" srcintfrole="lan" dstintf="wan1" dstintfrole="wan" policyid=1 proto=6 direction="incoming" filename="" checksum=" 90f0cb57" quarskip="No-skip" virus="" dtype="File Hash" filehash="93bdd30bd381b018b9d1b89e8e6d8753" filehashsrc="test_list" url="" profile="mhash_test" agent="Firefox/43.0" analyticssubmit="false"
date=2019-05-13 time=11:45:03 logid="0211008192" type="utm" subtype="virus" eventtype="infected" level="warning" vd="vdom1" eventtime=1557773103767393505 msg="File is infected." action="blocked" service="HTTP" sessionid=359260 srcip= dstip= srcport=60446 dstport=80 srcintf="port12" srcintfrole="undefined" dstintf="port11" dstintfrole="undefined" policyid=4 proto=6 direction="incoming" filename="" quarskip="File-was-not-quarantined." virus="EICAR_TEST_FILE" dtype="Virus" ref="" virusid=2172 url="" profile="g-default" agent="curl/7.47.0" analyticscksum="275a021bbfb6489e54d471899f7db9d1663fc695ec2fe2a2c4538aabf651fd0f" analyticssubmit="false" crscore=50 craction=2 crlevel="critical"
date=2020-05-22 time=15:30:29 devname="PSA-OR-FTGW001" devid="FGVM4VTM20001228" logid="0212008448" type="utm" subtype="virus" eventtype="filename" level="warning" vd="root" eventtime=1590132630730420619 tz="+0800" policyid=1 msg="File is blocked." action="passthrough" service="MM1" sessionid=10003 srcip= dstip= srcport=10003 dstport=20 srcintf="port1" srcintfrole="undefined" dstintf="port2" dstintfrole="undefined" proto=6 vrf=32 direction="incoming" filefilter="file-pattern" filetype="ignored" filename="file_test" checksum="12345" quarskip="No-quarantine-for-HTTP-GET-file-pattern-block." user="user" group="group" crscore=5 craction=2 crlevel="low"
date=2014-05-14 time=06:34:20 devname=JLL_FW devid=FG200B3910602686 logid=0213008705 type=utm subtype=virus eventtype=oversize level=notice vd="root" msg="Size limit is exceeded." status="passthrough" service="http" srcip= dstip= srcport=3935 dstport=80 srcintf="port1" dstintf="port2" policyid=75 identidx=3 sessionid=2727880 url="" profiletype="Protocol_Options_Profile" profile="Protocol" user="CAROLINAM" agent="Google"
date=2015-08-05 time=12:57:09 devname=StL devid=FWF90D3Z13001081 logid=0262008961 type=utm subtype=virus eventtype=scanerror level=notice vd="root" msg="File reached uncompressed size limit." action=passthrough service=HTTP sessionid=26150331 srcip= dstip= srcport=51586 dstport=80 srcintf="internal" proto=6 direction=incoming filename="mpas-fe_d6fd08cef83c1b4a54c75c3fa873afc2f7e30fc1.exe" quarskip=No-skip url="[...]/mpas-fe_d6fd08cef83c1b4a54c75c3fa873afc2f7e30fc1.exe" profile="default" user="" agent="Microsoft" analyticscksum="bfc1c907f87eadaac226113105ed9d5deb45857211cc36d3337caca8d20d119a" analyticssubmit=false crscore=50 crlevel=critical
Field | Description |
DATE | Event date, in the format YYYY-MM-DD |
TIME | Event time, in the format HH:MM:SS |
SYSTEM | The source system |
TABLE | FortiGateAntivirus |
LOGID | Unique 10-digit identifier (log type, subtype/event type and message ID) for that specific log and includes information about the log entry |
TYPE | Represented by the first two digits of the log ID |
SUBTYPE | Represented by the first/second two digits of the log ID |
EVENTTYPE | Represented by the second two digits of the log ID |
DEVID | Serial number of the device for the traffic's origin |
LEVEL | Security level rating |
VD | Name of the virtual domain in which the log message was recorded |
EVENTTIME | Epoch time the log was triggered by FortiGate |
TZ | |
ACTION | The security action performed by Antivirus |
SERVICE | Proxy service which scanned this traffic |
SESSIONID | Session ID |
SRCIP | Source IP address |
DSTIP | Destination IP address |
SRCPORT | Source port |
DSTPORT | Destination port |
SRCINTF | Source Interface |
DSTINTF | Destination interface |
POLICYID | Policy ID |
PROTO | Protocol number |
VRF | |
DIRECTION | Message/packets direction |
FILEFILTER | The filter used to identify the affected file |
FILETYPE | File type |
FILENAME | File name |
CHECKSUM | The checksum of the scanned file |
QUARSKIP | Quarantine skip explanation |
USER | Username (authentication) |
GROUP | Groupname (authentication) |
VIRUS | Virus name |
DTYPE | Data type for virus category |
REF | The URL of the FortiGuard IPS database entry for the attack |
VIRUSID | Virus ID (unique virus identifier) |
URL | The url address |
PROFILE | The name of the profile that was used to detect and take action |
AGENT | User agent - eg. agent="Mozilla/5.0" |
ANALYTICSCKSUM | The checksum of the file submitted for analytics |
ANALYTICSSUBMIT | The flag for analytics submission |
CRSCORE | Client Reputation Score |
CRLEVEL | Client Reputation Level |
MSG | Log message |
SNAREDATAMAP | All other data in the event will be pushed to this field |
Log Message Reference Documentation: